TownPress - Municipality & Town Government WordPress Theme
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A Five Star WordPress Theme For Your Local Government TownPress is an accessible premium WordPress theme for municipal, parish, town or city websites. It is tailored to suit all the basic needs of a modern municipality. TownPress offers a lot of very niche-specific features like local weather widget, listing directory, upcoming events, town documents, galleries and more. All this packed in a classic three column layout. A quality made in Europe – attention to details in frontend, backend and in the code. Its five star rating is also backed by clear documentation and reliable support offered via support and presale forum or a private message. With over 100 updates since its initial release, the TownPress proves to be one of the most trust... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
this is the support forum. If you want to share some private information, you can use PM instead.

Review Left On 04/21/2022
My client would like a theme for multiple towns. Each town to have their own events, calendar etc etc. but all or last posted on main page is fine. Will your theme offer multi towns so they may have all their own pages/ content etc. ?
Thank you.

Review Left On 05/08/2022
Would it be possible to pay you to modify the theme slightly? In the events section, I would like the ability to add a series of dates as a list. As it is now, I can setup a single date or a reoccurring pattern which is great but, some meetings do not fit the pattern. I would like to enter a list fo dates for say a whole year or more. I know I could just create a new event but 1) this adds more entries than needed, and 2) it prevents the “next” meeting from displaying properly n the widgets. Would this be something I could pay you to add? Thank you.
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Review Left On 10/04/2022
I had to reinstall the website with townpress theme.
Now the footer image is not displayed any more.
I already tried this:
.footer-widgets { background-color: rgba( 17,17,17, 0.5 ); }
But then the background only gets white. The background image is not visible any more.
Thanks for your support on this topic.