FEATURES: 400+ ICONS INCLUDEDLooks Good comes with over 400 icons from font awesome pack. GOOGLE MAPSLooks Good comes equipped with Google Maps as well as easy customization location \u0026amp; marker. Could it get any easier? KEN BURNS \u0026amp; PARALLAX EFFECTSLooks Good supports multiple parallax \u0026amp; ken burns effects making your site look modern. We just create IT the professional way… VIDEO MEDIA SECTIONLooks Good comes with video support feature that enables you to incorporate multimedia/video files within your site. BROWSER COMPATIBILITYAll our themes \u0026amp; plugins are compatible with the most popular internet browsers. They look perfect no matter who visits them. RETINA READYLooks Good... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
how can i change the text on the map.. i cant finde it on the index…
“ul. Witkowskiego Andrzeja 119
02-983 Warszawa
Mon-Sat: 8:00am – 7:00pm

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hi, I purchased this a couple weeks ago but the form is not working. I changed the email in config.php. It will not send mail. Is there an update for this?

Review Left On 04/19/2022
i made my own spinner.png and i put content/spinner.png but doesnt view and doesnt spin background-image: url(”../assets/images/content/spinner.png”);
Handyman - Job Board HTML Template
Fajar one page creative theme
KUPON - Deals & Discounts - Material Design
Dance Class Muse Template
Health Club Muse Template

Review Left On 04/20/2022
I emailed to [email protected] on 4/23 regarding the sliding image didn’t work, form didn’t work, google map didn’t show up but I haven’t heard anything yet. May I know the correct email address?

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Good day, I bought your template and found a drawback from the demo version. How to fix? TREATMENTS

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hey there great work! Love the theme. However, I’m missing the file “demo-content” specifically “demo-content/spinner.png” and “demo-content/photo_on_map.jpg”. This was just on the index.html page. Wondering what else might be missing. Don’t want an incomplete template.

Review Left On 05/21/2022
is the contact form mail and the appointment mail form have a mail or contact.php file or we have to create theme our self? thanks in advance

Review Left On 06/01/2022
The style sheet isn’t with my installation? I have downloaded it twice? not sure how to fix and it doesn’t want to install the theme?

Review Left On 07/11/2022
Nice theme, but in mobile don’t show text (Progressive Professional
Nail Courses) at “About us” page…

Review Left On 07/17/2022
where is treastment section document??
i mean tab information picture(ct-product wrap)