PEDOSIS is Wordpress theme that is crafted for construction \u0026amp; other related niche site in the industry. Pedosis is a corporate theme designed and developed particularly for Construction, Building and Architecture companies or those with similar services after long and thorough research of real Construction Company websites. We built this theme on Page Builder, a very convenient drag-n-drop PageBuilder for WordPress. It should provide you with the smoothest experience while creating your website with our theme. The wordpress theme is responsive, you can view it also in the mobile/tablets devices and it looks very in more devices. PEDOSIS is a perfect theme for a variety of uses from construction \u0026amp; other related niche site... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
I’ve got problems trying to install the theme. I tried on WP 4.6.1 and also WP 4.5 and WP 4.4 thinking about a compatibility issue, but nothing worked.
I also tried installing the theme using WP-CLI but also I get an error.
Always tried with clean Wordpress Installations without any plugins, etc.
How can I fix this?

Review Left On 04/18/2022
I’ve just purchased this theme. Managed to install it though documentation is outdated.
WP Visual Bakery doesn’t appear to be working with WordPress 5.2.2
Are there any updates available or solutions to this issue?

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hello Vergatheme,
I have Purchased Pedosis Construction Theme after live Preview. I have Quick Setup Pedosis theme. According documentation steps with Demo content.
I have getting error related to Mega menu and Homepage Slider. I need same Mega Menu like Provided Demo:
I have review full download full documentation and follow insllation documentation. But there is no Revolution Slider plugin zip file. So please send me Updated theme as well updated user Guid to setup theme same like Demo.
Please reply me on this email id: [email protected]
Thank You.
Sagar Doshi.
Identity - Responsive One Page Vcard Portfolio Joomla Template
Create & Build - Constructions & Engineering template
IncomeUp - Multipurpose Drupal 7.6 Theme
Scarsdale – Responsive HTML5 Photography Portfolio
Dance Class Muse Template

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Is there an updated version of the theme that works with the latest version of the Redux Framework, 3.6.1?

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Is there a readme.txt file that discloses all of the relevant information to get started with this theme?
Thanks in advance!

Review Left On 06/02/2022
Hello, we are using the Pedosis theme and having several problems with VG Visual Composer elements:
1. VG About – editing text in the WYSYWIG editor does not work. After making changes and then hitting the “Save Changes” button, edits are not retained. If you make edits in the Text/Source tab, changes ARE retained.
2. VG About – Type1- Centered image does not work when selected. The entire About block disappears. The resulting code seems to be missing this paramater: about_type=”type1”
3. VG Testimonials – editing this element breaks the Column bottom move effect. (Even just editing the text).
Original Sample code: vc_row extra_id=”” ses_title=”What Client Say About Us” fullwidth=”no” el_class=”section center-title fullscreen background parallax” ses_number=”04” ses_image=”103” ses_style=”data-img-width=``1920`` data-img-height=``1057`` data-diff=``0``” type_title=”type2” ses_sub_title=”
“[testimonial name=”THOMAS STANLEY” job=”CEO of Pedosis Construction” description=”Nullam feugiat, nulla eget sodales fermentum, erat purus ultricies augue, vitae placerat
augue magna a nunc. Donec eu sapien turpis. Etiam convallis sagittis dolor sit amet viverra. Donec convallis mi quis facilisis ultrices.” image=”109” style_ul=”open”][testimonial name=”THOMAS STANLEY” job=”CEO of Pedosis Construction” description=”Nullam feugiat, nulla eget sodales fermentum, erat purus ultricies augue, vitae placerat
augue magna a nunc. Donec eu sapien turpis. Etiam convallis sagittis dolor sit amet viverra. Donec convallis mi quis facilisis ultrices.” image=”109” style_ul=”center”]testimonial name=”THOMAS STANLEY” job=”CEO of Pedosis Construction” description=”Nullam feugiat, nulla eget sodales fermentum, erat purus ultricies augue, vitae placerat
augue magna a nunc. Donec eu sapien turpis. Etiam convallis sagittis dolor sit amet viverra. Donec convallis mi quis facilisis ultrices.” image=”109” style_ul=”close”/vc_rowvc_column width=”1/1” title=”” wap_class=”” wap_id=”” column_effect=”bottommove” column_effectanimate=”flipInY”/vc_column
Code after changing 1st Testimonial Name: vc_row ses_title=”What Client Say About Us” ses_number=”04” ses_image=”103” ses_style=”data-img-width=``1920`` data-img-height=``1057`` data-diff=``0``” type_title=”type2” ses_sub_title=”
” extra_id=”” fullwidth=”no” el_class=”section center-title fullscreen background parallax”[testimonial name=”MIKE BASS” job=”CEO of Pedosis Construction” description=”Nullam feugiat, nulla eget sodales fermentum, erat purus ultricies augue, vitae placerat
augue magna a nunc. Donec eu sapien turpis. Etiam convallis sagittis dolor sit amet viverra. Donec convallis mi quis facilisis ultrices.” image=”109”][testimonial name=”THOMAS STANLEY” job=”CEO of Pedosis Construction” description=”Nullam feugiat, nulla eget sodales fermentum, erat purus ultricies augue, vitae placerat
augue magna a nunc. Donec eu sapien turpis. Etiam convallis sagittis dolor sit amet viverra. Donec convallis mi quis facilisis ultrices.” image=”109” style_ul=”center”]testimonial name=”THOMAS STANLEY” job=”CEO of Pedosis Construction” description=”Nullam feugiat, nulla eget sodales fermentum, erat purus ultricies augue, vitae placerat
augue magna a nunc. Donec eu sapien turpis. Etiam convallis sagittis dolor sit amet viverra. Donec convallis mi quis facilisis ultrices.” image=”109” style_ul=”close”[/vc_row]
We did try upgrading from the included version of Visual Composer ( to the newest version (4.12) with no effect. Also, Not sure if this is related: A new build of Redux is now available!
Your version: 3.5.4 New version:
Thanks for any light you can shed on this.

Review Left On 06/15/2022
I purchased your theme. Demo contents not working as per your live nice demo site. How to contact you?

Review Left On 06/22/2022
i have purchased Pedosis – Construction Responsive WordPress Theme .
when i change in vg slider content , this error is coming after edit the content and save the panel. and when i update the page, and run in browser, slider images gone.
please resolve the issue asap. so wee can go further changes.

Review Left On 07/11/2022
I’am using wordpress 4.5 and visual composer and doesn’t works. There is a problem with the composer or something. Please help!

Review Left On 08/24/2022
I have no idea are all the vendors of envato a fool, cant provide proper support? If you cannot deliver than dont take our hard earned money. Please respond as early as possible on [email protected]

Review Left On 09/14/2022
Hi, i was traying to install the theme… also using an od verison of wordpress (4.5) like you suggest. But i cannot make to work.
The look and feel of the templates go wrong when i make changes trhough visual composer. Please, help me to fix it.
Carlos R.

Review Left On 10/04/2022
Hi Good Afternoon,
I have installed the theme but the VG SLider and some other plugins are not appearing in the plugins installed area. Can you advise on how to use the theme in terms of getting the plugnis that are not automatically downloaded with the theme?
Kind regards,