Identity - Responsive One Page Vcard Portfolio Joomla Template
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Identity is a multipurpose, modern and well crafted one page portfolio for creative professionals. Anyone can showcase their personal resume, work history, education, projects and other personal information beautifully using Identity. This is built with modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap 3. It is fully responsive with clean modern design. Main Feature Package Quickstart Full Demo Included Drag \u0026amp; Drop Layout Revolution Slider Fullscreen Image Slider Fullscreen Youtube Video Includes the Slider Revolution ? $14 Value Bootstrap 3.3 Fully Responsive 470+ Font Awesome Icons Working Antispam Contact form Parallax Section Google Map Google Web Fonts Isotope Filterable Portfolio Full screen P... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Your Support-System is not working, so I post it here. I have a problem with setting up Tabs / Accordions in PageBuilder. I am able to set the title but not the content :/ Can you help me?

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hi. I can’t install the theme. When i try upload and install the Zip error message displayed. Can you help-me?

Review Left On 06/23/2022
Hi. How do I disable the demo options. I want when someone goes to my site it mustn’t show the demo options
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