About HELITE HELITE is called, « The Swiss Army Knife » of Coming Soon templates. It is able to be used on a lot of projects, to be very easy to use and personalize. It’s about more than just a “Coming Soon Template” The designer and the user are top of mind. I worked tirelessly to make sure that HELITE is not only a stunning template, but also an exceptionally template to customize and to use. This is apparent from the moment you start your customization until the moment where your users visit your final work. I’ve had the final user in mind since the beginning, and you will be able to catch his attention faster than never. 10 sections, choose which one you need, delete, add, create them easily and fastly. HELITE is b... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Thanks a lot for you support.
I have another question. How can I set the “kenburns” mode only in the smatphone mode?
Thanks a lot in advance,

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Hi: I opened the Light version but the background color on the #main content area is grey in spite of my adding a rule. How best to get the area to be the same white as shown in the demo version?

Review Left On 04/13/2022
i have 2 problem.
1. Google map not work. Javascript console is say : Map Api Key Requed. What is location of api key?
2. My server is not permit unauthorized mails. How to re-configrure mail form for phpmailer ?
Majesty - Responsive Restaurant HTML5 Template
Daran - Responsive Coming Soon Template
Stayfit - Fitness PSD Template
Flatbuild - HTML Construction Business Template
Eventy - Event Email Template

Review Left On 04/25/2022
I bought HELITE theme and I am having issues to see my web in Internet Explorer because the background appears in gray and you don´t see the text. In other browser like Chrome the background is white and the text is read perfectly. My web is www.murciaalimenta.es, you can see this if you open it with both browsers.
Thank you very much.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello, i wanna ask. Can i change your copyright in footer to my?
I am confused by all the liceses, so i am asking this way.
Thank you.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
i have a problem with your template. Google Chrome displays the background in gray. i have tried several computers. do you know what this could be? https://benrich.de

Review Left On 07/01/2022
I have a strange problem only on 2 mobile devices samsung A5 Android 1.0 and another with Android 6.0.1.
The background color of the website http://www.iceclimbingservicecogne.com/index-youtube.html is grey but on my iPhone 6, motorola MotoG, and simulator I see it white. What’s the problem or the code that I can try to modified?
In the style.css Import e reset line 47-65 if I set background: red; I will see red in the smartphone but If I put white or #ffffff I see the background always grey!!
Thanks so much in advance!

Review Left On 07/24/2022
Thanks a million to assist me in solving this issue within such a short time. Really appreciated!

Review Left On 08/04/2022
I would like to know:
1) If I can use a local video (e.g. in directory images) using the page index-youtube.html or a solution for that.
2) How can I set the parameter of the map. I founded the parameter in the documentation (file main.js) but the javascript console sent me always the massage about the key. Where can I set the API google KEY? Or there is another solution?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Mirko Fortuna

Review Left On 08/27/2022
There is a quickly mode to offer this website in many differente languages?
Thanks a lot in advance