Darna Updates Added 5 PSD Files for shop package and psd files contains: shop.psd shop_description.psd shop_reviews.psd shop_cart.psd shop_checkout.psd Darna Features 12 PSD Files contains 01_home_one.psd 02_home_two.psd 03_home_three.psd 04_about.psd 05_services.psd 06_projects.psd 07_projects_details.psd 08_blog.psd 09_blog_details.psd 10_shop.psd 11_shop_description.psd 12_shop_reviews.psd 13_shop_cart.psd 14_shop_checkout.psd 15_contact.psd 16_coming_soon.psd 17_404.psd 3 Variant Home Pages Full Width Layout 3 Different Headers Based On Bootstrap... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
I like the template. If you don’t have a plan to build WP version, i would like to buy all rights of the item.
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