Todo is a fully responsive web app / admin dashboard template. Wordpress Admin Theme Features: Built with Bootstrap 3 Flat ui with clean style Many components Mobile widgets Fully responsive Web app layouts Html5 Markup \u0026amp; CSS3 2 runnable applications 8 default color palettes Use less, many variables you can config Change log v.2.0—10 July 15 update to Bootstrap v3.3.5 update prettyPhoto to v3.1.6 v.1.2.2—15 July 14 upgrade to Bootstrap 3.2 fix wizard bug v.1.2.1—27 February 14 upgrade to Bootstrap 3.1 include open sans font landing page improvement v.1.2.0—3 December 13 update to Fontawesome 4.0 add collapse nav add php RESTful api for notes app fix IE11 layouts and form wizard v.1.1.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
This theme is unpractical in Responsive Mode. How do you comprehend using pop-down down on Hover menus in Mobile/Responsive Mode from a off canvas menu. It is a nightmare to use in mobile mode. This menu is not worth anything even for free. To charge $20 for it is a rip-off.

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Minor bug found.
On the components.html page, when you click on the “Popover on top” button the popup appears, if you press the same button it closes. However, if you open it up again, and you exit by pressing the exit button in the corner of the popup, you have to click on the “Popover on top” button twice to open it again (one to close it, even though it’s already closed, but JS code don’t know that) and once again to open it.
Another thing I noticed is that you load the modal from an external file, why is it done this way? Getting cross origin errors:
Failed to load file:///C:/wamp64/www/todo%20theme/modal.html: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https.
send @ jquery.min.js:6
ajax @ jquery.min.js:6
x.fn.load @ jquery.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ app.js:104
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:5
v.handle @ jquery.min.js:5
Just wanted to let you know. All over I am very satisfied with the quality theme I got for the amount I paid.
Keep up the good work.

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Can you provide implementation/development support of this dashboard/theme for me at a cost?
I have a multitab excel spreadsheet with inputs that have excel calculations on the back end. The resulting graphs and data are shown in excel today, but would want to have them in a secure portal.
I would have an admin able to see all the reports produced, and a user view to see only their specific profile/reports.
Is this something can support through your portal dashboard?
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Review Left On 04/25/2022
Howdy! Do you have an updated version of Todo that supports the latest bootstrap (4.x or 5.x) version?
Also, do you have any django versions of this?

Review Left On 04/26/2022
I bought the Todo-web application and admin panel template. However, the download only included the admin panel without the front-page. please can you send me a file that include the front page. also it is supposed to be a php file.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
On your UI Kits/Form (form.html), you have a form in a popup modal button.
In the modal popup, the styles for 3 social buttons are missing, so it does not show up (Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus). This can be verified in the live preview as well.
Kindly fix this.

Review Left On 06/27/2022
Hi sir,actually,,i am creating a php script to sell in,but i have a some questions 1.if we purchase your admin template,,we can use in your php script or not to integrate our development code to your template will provide any source code sir.4.Is there any requirement 5.Will you give login page also

Review Left On 07/31/2022
One quick question. I just purched todo. Is this for Wordpress? If it is, I need a refund.

Review Left On 09/12/2022
Hi There!
How can I get the front end page? I thought I was paying for the front end page displayed at

Review Left On 09/26/2022
I buyed a “themeforest-5458827-todo-web-application-and-admin-panel-template” but I can’t install because error message appear “ style.css file isn’t this theme” why???