Responsive HTML5 Multipurpose Template Foreal is a Fully responsive, flexible, and minimal portfolio HTML template. Comes with dark and default skins (easily changeable skin colors) and various header variations. Use it to showcase your brand into a single page, to create product promotion page, landing page etc. Foreal allows you to customize, and re-order any section and get creative with all possible layout options. Includes tons of elements that make you build a stylish website to display your work or create a new website for your company. Special Features Retina Ready Light / Dark skin 3 types of Header Menu Boxed and Full-width Sections 20 different patterns for boxed Isotope for portfolio Isotope for Blog Horiz... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
I changed the CSS from light to dark.css, but the gradient behind the menu is still white and the slider-bottom.png is also still white. I’ve tried changing several other things in style.css to get these two areas to change to black but nothing is working. Shouldn’t they automatically toggle to dark if I changed the light.css to dark.css in index.html? Thanks

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hello there,
I really love this theme and the images used in this theme. Can you please tell me the total estimate of the amount for the images. Also please tell me which images are included in the theme and what will I have to change if I do not purchase the images.

Review Left On 04/18/2022
I just purchased this theme and am just wondering how I upload this theme to wordpress?
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Review Left On 04/19/2022
Keep up the good work, but I got one question. I haven’t got enough time to inspect the css since I bought the theme, so is there any default input forms like the ones from bootstrap or do we have to create them on our own?

Review Left On 04/23/2022
i just bought your template Foreal but I’m struggling to get the twitter widget to work. I carefully followed the step by step guide you provide in the documentation file, but it still won’t work. I changed the user name in the file “custom.js” and in “index.php” i added the consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access token secret.
How could you help me to make it work properly as promised in the template description. I look forward to hearing from you.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hello Dear author. Today found a bug. When you hover over the item in the menu, there it:
That’s a valid website—>

Review Left On 06/23/2022
I bought your theme a few months ago. This is the purchase code. d837c007-7e68-4770-8024-e9c0627851a7 and I’ve been in contact with you before.
I decided to write you here instead of the comments – as I did before- because I still haven’t been able to figure out the twitter feed with my twitter account , and the contact form, once the Send button is hit, it will be redirect to a “Success – Thanks for Contacting Us, We will call back to you soon” empty page, and it needs to confirm the message in the same page as it is in the original theme. Could you please check it out again and try to fix it for me?
If this type of support is not included into the purchase agreement, then I could pay you an extra support fee through PayPal. I just need it to be fixed by the end of next week. Please.
I have sent you before the FTP credentials. The page is
I really look forward to your support.
All the best,

Review Left On 07/08/2022
hey! i become this error message after installing the demo content:
Fatal error: Cannot declare class OAuthException, because the name is already in use in /wp-content/plugins/buddhathemes-core-features/apis/twitteroauth/OAuth.php on line 8
Wordpress 4.7.2
please help, thanks!

Review Left On 08/06/2022
Hi there,
I bought this theme last night. I did not realise it isn’t a WordPress them. Am I able to get a refund? I can’t afford the WordPress version.

Review Left On 09/01/2022
I bought your theme a couple of months ago, and I’ve been struggling with the contact form and the twitter widget, do you think you could have a look at it and see how you could help me to fix it?
The contact form won’t let me enter text on the name and email fields.
The twitter widget won’t show the feed, even when I followed the steps you mention in the documention files.
you can check it out here:
I had have to change a bit the layout, but I’m keeping the same structure of your theme.
Purchase code: d837c007-7e68-4770-8024-e9c0627851a7
I look forward to hearing from you.