If you like our themes, please don’t forget to rate it. This helps us a lot Template ID : PRS070164 Glorious Prestashop Responsive Theme is specially designed for fashion design, electronics, mobile, foods, jewellery, tools, auto \u0026amp; spare parts and multi purpose stores. Glorious Prestashop Responsive Theme is available in five different layout and looking good with colors combination. All sub pages are customized. It is very nice with its clean and professional look. Compatibility Prestashop Version :,,,,,,,,,,,..., Pre-Defined 5 Layout Features HTML5 and CSS3 Fully Responsive Theme Using Google Fonts Support Mul... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi nice template i just intall it perfectly but i am surprise about one things why when i update native French translation PS some translation still not translate automaticly as ADD TO CART etc.. ??

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Smart blog module included with our theme package, Please contact to our technical team with ally our details so they can perfectly install theme on your server and check it all your theme related issue.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
I’d like to buy this theme, but I have a questions.. Can I combine modules between demos? For example, I want to install Electronics Store template, and use Category slider of Fashion Store?
SNS Amoda - Responsive Magento Theme
Prime | WordPress Theme
LF - One Page Multi Purpose PSD Theme
Liwa MultiPurpose Wordpress Theme
ArinaFA Corporate Wordpress Theme

Review Left On 05/28/2022
Question, I have seen your magento theme and has the jewelry, it is possible to achieve this , is possible to change colors of the theme once you select the layout to achieve similar as the magento?

Review Left On 06/24/2022
Hi, I have a error with the template. The megamenu it’s not working good. In the index.php a megamenu not work but in another page yes. I installed a clean shop only with a template and not working. My version is Thanks

Review Left On 06/25/2022
Hello, I wanted to know if this theme is compatible with prestashop and if so, could you help me to make some minor modifications?

Review Left On 07/12/2022
Very nice template. But the buttons of the pagination do not have the link. The link is only in the number and not the box.

Review Left On 07/17/2022
Hello , your Theme is very interesting id like to buy it but i have some question , is it possible to make a custom search ? like this one here http://www.carbara.fr/

Review Left On 07/28/2022
Hi, I’m interested in buying this theme, but I need to customize the drop-down menu by inserting an image to subcategories (see example below: http://www.ducabike.com/screenshot1.png ).
Can we do it? it is vital for us, thanks

Review Left On 09/08/2022
Hi, I have the prestashop version.
Do I need to install “Prestashop Files_v1.6.1.1” or “Prestashop Files_v1.6.1.2&v1.6.1.3”?