Gym Fitness Yoga – Maniva WordPress Theme Gym Fitness Yoga is a member of Maniva – WordPress Theme Family for gym fitness club or fitness centre and personal trainers! It supports Bootstrap, your theme will adapt automatically to the screen size of the device and display all the content in an intuitive and simple way. With inbuilt drag and drop page builder you can make the website creation a whole lot easier. Need supports? * Support Forum When being our member, you have access to our forum where you can post your problem and get support to solve it. * Support Desk System It includes two supporting systems: the Ticket syste... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
where to remove menu in footer and an item ‘our blog’.
Aso where to look for color correction in footer/menu item (responsive)/contact form?
How to edit/extend widget: contacts? (need additional fields)
thank you!

Review Left On 04/12/2022
also how to link an item in slide (Prisijunkite/Join) to scroll down to contact form?

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Your live demo, when viewed in mobile device sizes, has problems with the carousel and about blocks. These blocks go off the edges of the screen so that you can’t access the navigation of the carousel, and the about block text runs off the edges so that you can’t read it. You may want to address this, to ensure that the “fully responsive” capabilities are properly recognized.
Hecate - Creative HTML5 Portfolio Template
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Travel HTML Template - GoExplore!
PreShop - Responsive WooCommerce Wordpress Theme
BrainStorm — Multipurpose Event, Training, Workshop PSD Template

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi Guys,
Just bought this theme, and visual composer does not load the elements of the home page.
You can see the vc tags in the text view, but the visual composer doesn’t load them at all…
The home page seems to render correctly, just wanted to go in to load images etc.
Please advise…

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hi, i bought the theme Maniva and uploaded the fitness demo. However i can’t see eny menu items when i configure it the way it should be. Just take a look @
Hope to hear from you soon

Review Left On 05/03/2022
The Today’s Schedule is static?! i expected to have a sort of week-schedule and a today visualization in widget… So, there’s a way to do that?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
I tried to update my logo and delete the old one, but now just a link is showing. What did I do wrong?

Review Left On 05/26/2022
hey guys, are there any known issues using this theme on ipad? my client called me today, that his safari always shut down when he tries to open it using his ipad 2

Review Left On 07/04/2022
It would be nice to have the shopping cart logo appear on all pages (including the homepage) so that people that return can see they have items ready for checkout. What would be the best way to accomplish this?

Review Left On 09/30/2022
Am editing a website for a client and they were using an extremely old version of the Maniva Fitness theme. We have bought a new license for the theme and updated it – but the visual composer says we need a license to be able to use it and edit the pages? How can I fix this problem – it’s supposed to be an included feature within the theme and at the moment is trying to make us buy it.