Retro Elegance online CV/ Resume template is minimal and clean in design. It will help you to create your very own online CV, with well documented code and valid html. Print ready css is also included, making it easy for you to create your pdf download and to print out your CV, test it out on the demo to see! The template comes complete with a working contact form, Prettyphoto gallery, an elegant scroll to top effect, tool tips and Twitter integration. Code Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome Responsive Design Twitter Bootstrap Well documented code and css Valid html5 Print ready css – easily create a print and pdf version of your cv Working contact form Prettyphoto gallery TipTip tooltips Jquery scroll to top... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Thanks for the update! I will definitely rate the theme …
One more question
I would like to add a ‘login’ landing page, so that my CV is private unless I give someone permission to view it.
Do you have a clean, basic HTML code for a login page? I’ve searched the web, but can’t find a decent one. I have found PSD ’s but have no idea how to implement that into the HTML .
Any ideas?

Review Left On 05/28/2022
Great Template. I am using it for my Church to display a Monthly Bulletin that can be printed and distributed as well as appended to the website. I bought it because of the print CSS feature. Great job!

Review Left On 05/30/2022
Hi, I was wondering if you know any way to get this in Word or PDF. I tried print to PDF, but it doesn’t include the background.
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Review Left On 06/25/2022
Hi there,
I have purchased the theme and busy customising … and I’ve just noticed that there is a spelling error in the main logo!
It should say curriculum vitae (not curriculm vitae) ... how do we fix this?
Thanks and regards,

Review Left On 08/12/2022
Very excited to see the update … but not sure how to update it without having to re-do all my info?

Review Left On 09/20/2022
Also … do you have a YouTube social media icon to match the rest of them?
P.s Loving the theme so far!