Minx is a professional responsive creative HTML5 portfolio template which has been built using the Twitter Bootstrap framework. The template comes complete with 28+ pages, six colour schemes in both light and dark styles. Sliders, carousels, PrettyPhoto, Dribbble photostream, a working contact form and also uses lots of features which are available as part of Twitter Bootstrap. Features Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome Well documented code and css Valid Html5 Responsive Design Twitter Bootstrap Css3 Styling NivoSlider Kwicks with FlexSlider jPages Pretty Photo Responsive Sorting Gallery Pinterest Photostream Working Contact Form Google Font Replacement Psds of elements: Logo, accordian button, portfolio hove... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
I purchased the WP version of this theme and it’s no longer available to download with updates. Can you help me get it updated to the lastest version of WP?
Cost? please email me at info at 5shades dot com thanks.

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Good afternoon! Please tell me – if you buy a template can help you install it on a website?

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hi Josweb,
Thank you for the very nice template, I bought it about a week ago.
I have a question regarding:
single_portfolio.html (Single Slider on your demo)
The nivo slider isn’t sliding – only changes photo when click on arrow
Could you please tell me how to fix this so it slides automatically, which I’m assuming it should???
Thank you very much!
Tango - Responsive HTML5 Template
Creative Flow - Scrolling Portfolio Template
ExpoSlide - Creative One Page Html Template
It's Me - Personal Resume and Portfolio
iLevel - Responsive Flat Design Bootstrap Template

Review Left On 04/15/2022
This site is perfect. Thank you!
I’m having some trouble getting the form to work. I have included the mail.php file and the contact_form folder. Have I missed anything?

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Good morning! sorry is it possible that someone will answer me ??
I have written to you since yesterday but no reply from you

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hi there,
Can you fix the way your Work, 2 column, 3 column, 4 columns load in the demo? it initially shows then disappears then loads again. Once the site is cached it is fine but the initial user sees this looks like a glitch. This si the same in both HTML & Wordpress versions.
Thanks. keep me posted.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Is there anyway to make an image not responsive? The CD cover graphics are fine in FF and IE, but in Chrome they aren’t staying a fixed size. The images in question are within a table. If you view the first few in FF, that’s the look I want, but not quite looking right in Chrome. The last CD box is done without a table, but I couldn’t get it to look just right.
Here’s a different question also: When I first load the website in IE, it shows up as a static narrow look, but after I F5 it a few times then the correct css kicks in and it becomes responsive and looks correct. Any ideas on this?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi, It looks just perfect, design, code, everything is nice, but (always is a but) in iphone I can´t see the menu. Don´t know why, in ipad everything is O.K. in horizontal position O.K. in vertcal position the menu change and is O.K, but in IPHONE ???
Please let me know about up-dates, Thanks

Review Left On 04/28/2022
In the “Single Portfolio” page, how can I get portraits to keep its size. It looks like the Nivo slider is automatically scaling them.

Review Left On 05/01/2022
i need to put in sorting.js or in every-where the option for sorting in isotope:
getSortData : {
can you help me please

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hello! I am using your theme on a personal website and would like to add a link in the footer to CodeCademy (codecademy.com) alongside my twitter / github etc. Do you happen to have an icon for this?
Many thanks,

Review Left On 05/30/2022
I love your theme, excellent! One question, I want to add Google search code for the search box but I’d like to use the look and feel that you have in this theme, is there an easy way to do that? I am working on redesigning an existing website (nubeat.org) and I want to use the same search code that’s in there but with the new look with your theme.
Thanks for your help.

Review Left On 06/12/2022
The website image slider functions properly in the full version. However, in the mobile version on an iPhone, the image slider show duplicates to 2 images (one over the other). Please help. For an example, please see www.charleshawkinslaw.com. Thanks.

Review Left On 07/19/2022
I am having problems with the contact form – it only returns the message field, none of the input fields are returned. http://www.texas-farrier.com/elgin-farrier.html

Review Left On 08/01/2022
I have a problem with foreign characters. When I first create the page it looks fine, but later the foreign characters turn into question marks, here’s one of my pages that have Chinese text. http://pxer.net/albumsch.html
I also use Spanish and Russian. Have any advice for me?

Review Left On 09/25/2022
1. in mobili versio in menu omnino non visibilis est
2- the drop-down menu does not work
3- slider images are not displayed on the home page.
index_slider 1, jpg
index_slider 2, jpg
index_slider 3, jpg
please someone help me and answer me thanks

Review Left On 09/28/2022
The website image slider functions properly in the full version. However, in the mobile version on an iPhone, the image slider show duplicates to 2 images (one over the other). Please help. For an example, please see www.charleshawkinslaw.com. I plan on buying more templates soon, so I would appreciate prompt help. Thanks.