Scroll It is a professional single page scrolling html template. It will help you to create your very own retro styled page that will enable you to show off your creativity with style. The template comes complete with scroll animation text effects, a handy drop down panel, paginated portfolio, BX slider and a working contact form. Included in the download are 15 background patterns, 34 social network icons, 36 icons and 8 bottom strips to choose from, helping you to create your unique retro styled portfolio. Code Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome Well documented code and css Valid html5 Css3 styling Font-Face Fonts Scroll Animations Handy Drop Down Panel Paginated Gallery BX Slider Working Contact Form CSS3 Te... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
I am in search of a mail chimp compatible template with animated type like this…recommendations? Is there even a such a thing?

Review Left On 04/17/2022
I tried adding the letter spacing. but its still not working. Please give a solution. And also the text is out of the screen. You can check the link in IE 8 .

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hi, I purchased and am attemping to edit, but when I preview it I just get the text and graphics… none of the style. It’s all blank white background and off the the left????
I snapped a pic. I can send it to you.
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MOET - Multi-Scrolling Coming Soon Template

Review Left On 04/20/2022
The theme isnt stated to work n IE 6 & 7. What’s wrong with t on IE8 ? Almost all css3 effects only work on compatible browsers IE cant handle a lot of new technology and I can’t do much about that!

Review Left On 05/01/2022
We have bought other one page themes but this is the best I have seen in code thanks.This will be fun to work with

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi. I really like this template. I’m having a problem when I disable the exploding code (not sure if I did that right as It also disabled the other effects for other headers), the big fonts overlap each other. How can I get some space between the lines where the big fonts are? Thanks!

Review Left On 05/07/2022
I am really disappointed that you haven’t updated this to a mobile first responsive type of site. tsk tsk

Review Left On 05/12/2022
I’m actually having an issue uploading the theme through wordpress. Am I supposed to take any files out and then re-zip it before uploading?

Review Left On 06/18/2022
Awesome! Just Awesome! Bought the template on Friday and went live on Sunday. Easy to use, even for a beginner like me. Jo was quick to answer my newbe questions, great support!
Thanks a million!

Review Left On 08/03/2022
Hi again,
The theme doesn’t seem to work properly (at all) in IE6 ,7 and 8. Is it possible to add some kind of fallback so it degrades gracefully on the earlier browsers?

Review Left On 09/15/2022
It’s quite Unfortunate that you don’t include the .PSD file for the round “Logo” at the top!
I am an author here, and I include Every file I use so that the people that purchase my items have Maximum Edit-ability.
Not including the .PSD of that logo is the Only thing keeping me from buying this.