H-Code is a responsive, creative, powerful and multi-purpose multi page and one page template with latest web design trends. It is multi-purpose professional template for any business like design agency, fashion, architecture, spa, restaurant, travel, corporate, photography, ecommerce, personal resume, wedding, product / service, etc… with readymade templates and portfolio options for quick start of their online presence with awesome portfolio. It is developer friendly to customize it using tons of layouts, portfolio options, shortcodes and much more with SEO \u0026amp; Speed optimized, well documented, commented, structured and easy to understand code. We have included 58+ ready to use homepage templates for different businesses and more than... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
I want to buy this item and I am going to use it on an intranet with windows 2016 server, but without asking if I can use a contact form and how would I send an email?
Thank you

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hi KeiMedia,
We will forward this to our technical team for checking and fixing in future update.
For any further queries or issues please create a support ticket here: http://www.themezaa.com/support/

Review Left On 04/29/2022
when you open up the Ajax Portfolio Pages on mobile (iOS on chrome & safari), it passes the footer and doesnt have an end.
Fresh Mail - Responsive E-mail Template + Themebuilder Access
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Gem — Luxury E-Commerce PSD theme
Youth Hostel - Creative PSD Template

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hi there,
Please note that the Portfolio (ex: http://www.themezaa.com/html/h-code/portfolio-grid-gutter-4columns.html) is no longer showing properly on Chrome browser. The items take the full width and only show partially rather than by grid of 4 (in this 4 column example). The issue is not present on IE, or Firefox.
Kindly advise fix.
Thank you.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
html and mobile menu issue submenu – no submenu works properly in current version. Checked the wp version, can’t buy due to same menu issue

Review Left On 05/06/2022
hi, cant get the contacct form to send.
im using the one pager.
i edited thephp file. the website says that email is sent but i dont receive anything.
how do i link the contact.php to my index?
website is pureblend.ph

Review Left On 06/19/2022
Hi. I’m facing issues with Intro-ageny2 as it is only showing 3 pages and struck at the 3 page on live site. However, it works fine on local. it is not loading proper on safari too while on live. please check this. www.siriusfoundation.org.in/demo

Review Left On 09/15/2022
Portfolio columns not working offline. http://www.themezaa.com/html/h-code/portfolio-grid-gutter-5columns.html