Smarty - Creative Agency & Portfolio Template with RTL Version
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Tired of boring pics, get a fantabulous theme for your business by Smarty-Creative Agency and Portfolio Template with RTL version. The template is a sensation for all the photography and portfolio related work. Smarty themes give full-screen images with user-friendly and highly customizable features. The portfolio can be made in nine unique styles. The template is a real marvel in the field of Snapshots. On top of that, the themes are available in two color versions viz. dark and light. The key features of Smarty HTML portfolio templates are: Trending styles available Single and Multiple pages 38 different HTML files Available in five blog styles Expert Support and assistance in Documentation Grab a Smarty HTML creative theme... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello, i have question. In this link:, is a white space, when i use Filter and there is minimal “albums”. Is able to repair?

Review Left On 05/04/2022
There is no documetation on how to change the portfolio pages. How do the filters work? The next page also does nothing.

Review Left On 07/19/2022
Hello, is that possible to replace those photos in portfolio into videos? Maybe using embeded link from youtube? I want to use this website template for film maker and photography portfolio
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