Engage is multi-purpose, creative, one page parallax, responsive theme for portfolio showcase, modern businesses, agency, personal use, etc. List of Features: One Page Parallax Template 4 Design Concepts with 18 Demos YouTube Video Backgrounds Retina Ready 3 different menu variants Parallax Sections Cube Portfolio Working Ajax contact form with validation HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Bootstrap 3.2.0 Fully Responsive Google Fonts Filterable Portfolio Coming Soon Pages Crossbrowser Compatible Mobile Browsers Compatible Font Awesome and Ionicons Credits: jquery.parallax.min.js animate.css fontello.css bootstrap.js jquery.e... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
is there a way to display our offer (section services) in a more detailed way?
For eaxample – when clicking “Web design” in section “services” ?

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Getting error when I click on portfolio item, the error is AJAX Error! Please refresh the page!

Review Left On 04/23/2022
It is possible to make it clickable. You will need to wrap each services in tag and will need to create respective pages.
MePro - Creative Personal & Portfolio Template
Leo Material Store - Shopify Responsive Theme
Awesome Ideas | Professional HTML Theme
Arniyon - Creative Portfolio Theme
Meeton - Conference & Event HTML Template

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Sur mon site : reference-marketing.com, j’ai un souci d’affichage des pages de description des projets du portfolio. Sur le smartphone, la page n’est pas responsive.
Avez-vous déjà connaissance de ce souci et pouvez-vous y remédier svp ?

Review Left On 08/23/2022
I need to put a url to an anchor from the ajax page to the main page.
example: index.html # contact