Musik is a responsive music wordpress theme, let you manage audio, album, genres, artist and sell the audio files to your customer. You can read the online documentation here Features: Base on Easy Digital Downloads – EDD Sell single audio or bundle album Manage music genres and artists Audio preview file support mp3 or ogg format jPlayer – jQuery HTML5 Audio player Playlist support History player Save player volume, repeat, shuffle setting in browser Fully customize theme 4 page templates Allow customize the Logo/Header/Aside/Player background colors One click to install demo data Change Log v.3.1.0 – 16 January 19 Add artwork when add soundcloud url as featured image Get duration/publish year from soundcloud Fix download when pre... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
I recently upgraded my server and now my downloads redirect to an error ‘This site can’t be reached’

Review Left On 04/25/2022
hello , can I hide page title ?
in your demo page , I want to hide the page title “Blog” .

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hello, I am getting this:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /public_html/wp-content/themes/musiks/inc/widgets/widget-music-term.php on line 56
Skywell - MultiPurpose Adobe Muse Template
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Review Left On 05/04/2022
I’m looking to buy this theme, I have some questions before buying.
1. Does it work on Wordpress 5.8 and PHP 7?
2. Will I have updates for compatibility with new versions of WP and Php?
3. Can the dark theme be customized?

Review Left On 07/14/2022
I’m considering buying this theme but I can’t figure if :
1) the audio has “persistent/continuous” play when you change page and navigate from page to page ?
2) can you feed the theme with audio from external source (external server, file not registered in Wordpress) ?
The demo demo does not play any audio

Review Left On 07/15/2022
hello , when I search a word at the top search field , and the result page comes up and I click thumbnail picture , there is no response .. I must click subject text.
Is there any way to make go to view page when I click thumbnail picture in search result page ?
(when i click the same content in genre page , thumbnail click OK but search result page NO)

Review Left On 07/15/2022
Hello, I have many problems installing the theme. Can you provide me with a set of videos explaining how to activate it

Review Left On 07/21/2022
(Confirmed Purchase) Please can you answer my (OUR) questions? Do you not realise everyone here has brought your theme with ‘SUPPORT for 6 months?’ and it’s only when you answer my questions I can move forward with the design process? I’m literally hanging on your ever Answer??? – I cant’t do anything till you support me?
Thanks for understanding

Review Left On 07/23/2022
Hi, please I’m interested in this theme, but before I proceed with the purchase, I just want to know if it is possible to insert a button at the bottom of each content… Like a call to button.. Please check the keemhub com and check a post.. At the very end, you’d see a Download Mp3 button. The button function comes with the current theme so I want to know if yours comes with it too or there is a way to add it. Thanks

Review Left On 07/24/2022
I want this theme to sell my audio, but this theme doesn’t have the latest update, last update 2 years, I’m sure there will be a lot of bugs. If you keep this theme updated, I’m sure there will be more and more buyers, myself included. And why you not support this item. Sad… :’(

Review Left On 08/05/2022
If this is based on EDD, does that mean it has all the same set up features, etc. Or is EDD included in the theme?

Review Left On 08/17/2022
hello .. the “post ” can have a category ..but “page” cannot have a category.
and “page” can have a templet (page with side bar) but “post” cannot have a template.. Is there any way to have a category for page .. or is there any way to have a template for post ?

Review Left On 08/31/2022
hi, amazing theme, is there any way to make genres 2 menu.. and I select acoustic and hiphap only… In genres page , there is no contens.. only blank.. how can i select acoustic and rock in genre page and can i select hip and jazz in another duplicated genres 2 page ? ..