Details Leo Out Door Store is a totally Responsive Prestashop themes. It was designed for diversified commodities as furniture store, fashion store, accessories store, shoes store, restaurant, mobile store, high tech store and multi-stores.. Firstly, Out Door Store with bright background and clean layout highlighted your products. Out Door Store has full width slides and attractive banners to showcase your hot trend products or the newest products to immediately approach your customers. Information blocks are ni... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/18/2022
This template is posted in the wrong eCommerce area, it’s posted in the Zen Cart section instead of the Prestashop section.

Review Left On 06/05/2022
Hi! I bought this theme! This is a very good theme! Grats!
Are you planning a release of a version compatible with PrestaShop 1.7?
I’ve seen that there are some compatibility issues with PHP 7, maybe you can get help to make the theme work on servers with PHP 7? Otherwise I am forced to use another theme and I would not like this because I like it so much.
Thank you very much.
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