Camping Village - Campground Caravan Accommodation
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Welcome To The First Camping Theme Camping Village is a multipurpose website and a theme one/multi pages. Inside the package there are HTML files of all pages optimized in order to perform in a simple and fast any customization.Camping Village is the perfect theme for a multi-site camping campers, tents, caravans and bungalows. Camping Village is also perfect for any business of accommodating because the theme is designed with personalized pages for the search and reservation of single rooms, or other properties. The theme is super flexible and responsive web design. The theme also has the custom pages for individual activities as Camping \u0026amp; Hiking or other sports. Amazing Features For Only 16 $ ... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
not tomorrow but the good news is that today we have sent the job at ThemeForest. The review time will be 10 days ( we hope ). It will be a fantastic project and we look forward to be approved.

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Send me you email because i sumbited many tickets but they are not submiting , now i can’t find my comments here

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Is there a accomodation register page available, i mean if i want to add a new accomodation in it ?
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Review Left On 04/14/2022
finally, is there a date closed for the upload of Camping Village with CMS WordPress?

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Nice layout. Worked well for my client’s camping website, so many thanks for taking the time to provide it as an HTML5 option.

Review Left On 04/14/2022
I am having issues finding and removing the code for the favicon which is branded to you. Where can I find this?

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hi there! Let me just say, we love this template and so does the client. Something I noticed though, is everytime I edit something about the Accommodation, it deletes all the ‘Accommodation Options’ on the bottom of that page, including the preview, which as you can imagine is frustrating. Thoughts on how to fix this? Thank you so much for any help

Review Left On 04/25/2022
– mega-menu example from “Components” menu option is not in downloaded files
Forms has not validation options?

Review Left On 04/29/2022
yes looks like a very good camping discussion theme i am looking for this theme for my new camping blog is this theme helpful for my blogs requirements or not plz guide me.

Review Left On 05/02/2022
The form field styling of the drop down in the firefox browser is not working properly.
You get double down arrows on each drop down form field. Is there a fix for this?
Creative Design Group

Review Left On 05/06/2022
I bought this, but in reality I needed the Wordpress theme. Didn’t understand it was a difference. Is it possible to get a return, and buy the Wordpress theme instead?

Review Left On 05/08/2022
This item shows products pages in the demo – along with NEW. These pages are not included in the download. I attempt to resolve via support, registered for a support account, no emails arrive so I am without any support. Can you update the download and look at your support system- I have a gmail address so perhaps your server is blocked in some way.

Review Left On 06/04/2022
Where is the Search template? I don’t find this page in my downloaded files.

Review Left On 06/06/2022
I noticed that while scrolling there’s a bit of lag around the section with parallax (nicdark_parallaxx_img2). Tested in desktop/macbook.
Before buying, I wanted to ask if you thought about updating the theme by any chance (dependencies, etc.)

Review Left On 07/16/2022
I’m considering buying, howerver the wordpress version is more updated, I like it better. Is it possible to update the html version so it looks likte the wordpress version?

Review Left On 09/04/2022
I am patiently ( waiting for the WordPress version… you had told me earlier that it was coming out in early 2016….. then I saw you say 1 month… about 1 month ago… any news? I am in a huge rush… either I purchase another theme and get started… or I wait a few more days and get yours… please… do you have a release date… hopefully tomorrow???

Review Left On 10/02/2022
Hi! I’ve just customized the contact form script in the html version of Camping Template.
I receive the email on my account just fine and speedly, but when I select “reply” to the email, something is wrong because the field of recipient shows this address “[email protected]”. I want to response to the email that the user wrote on the contact form. If the user complete the form with the email [email protected], I want to response that email directly to that address.
How to resolve this?
I’ve called my hosting provider ( and they said me to setting the Header Mail and “Return-Path” of my script.php like this example:
mail($recipient, $object, $text, $header, “-f$sender”);
They said that in my script is missing the field “sender”, that is critical to the use of this function on their servers.
Unfortunately, I don’t know the php language to modify the script how they want. Can anyone help me please? Thanks!
This is my contact form script: