Construk is multipurpose template option for web developer or who needs a web template to promote and introduce their construction, Enginerring, Industrial, Manufacturing, Heavy Equipment, and Business company. Construk template in design with simple, clean and modern. This template made with Adobe Muse. Updated 04-Mar-2017 Upgrade to the latest Muse version 2017.x.2 Responsive fixed-width Featured : Desktop, tablet, \u0026amp; Phone versions. Onepage. Clean, Neat and Simple. Over 400+ Font Awesome Icons. Over 100+ Typkit Webfonts. Easly customizable (text, color, image and all) Sosial ready. Contact form. Relink images with assest bar. Muse file and Html. Well documentation. Fonts Used : name : – Lato, Bebas Neue Sou... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
i have download themeforest-12366100-construk-construction-business-muse-template and in install i have ERROR
damaged themes
The following themes are installed but incomplete. The themes must have at least one style sheet and a model.
name Description
ThemeForest-12366100-construk-building-business-muse-template The lack stylesheet. Remove

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Having a bit of trouble targeting the header icons and text.
Any idea how to do this?
I have no issue targeting any other form of text only the header.
Thank you,

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hi, i am the user diseno365 send the email for support by muse theme “Contruk”
I am attentive to your answer. Thank You
Klass - Portfolio & Photography Joomla Template
Bakery | Drupal Bakery, Cakery & Food Theme
Educampus - Education & University WordPress Theme
Klank - Multipurpose Landing Page Muse Template
Camping Village - Campground Caravan Accommodation

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Authors may ask you for a purchase code to verify that you’ve purchased this item.
5048d0ac-3a4f-4fe4-9114-fdda00d06ad7 – 8 Mar 2017 REGULAR LICENSE

Review Left On 07/15/2022
How do you use the contact us? and change the maps setting?
Thank you, your awesome

Review Left On 07/25/2022
i have done the designing everything, i had exported to HTML file and upload to third-party hosting server, but when it goes live, it ended with wording only but no images at all, ive been told its CSS file missing, can you kindly provide the assistance on it ? thanks & much appreciation.

Review Left On 07/29/2022
Hi, I purchased the Construk template to modify for my own website and would like some guidance on the necessary steps to edit.
As I open Muse with your default template, the Home page appears on the top left with all the original content but without the original pictures.
I would like to be able to edit the heading and the rest of the site and replace with new pictures/graphics the areas where a place holder appears.
I would really appreciate if you tell me what are the steps to take.
Thank you for your help. The purchase code number is: 9e0f80c5-15a3-4dc9-87cb-687419067cb8
Carlos Rodriguez

Review Left On 08/15/2022
I purchased the Construk template but it does not appear to have a tablet or mobile version included? Do you actually have this?