Ygritee is a hand crafted Beauty Salon Template for hair salons, wellness centre, yoga / meditation classes and all other health care businesses. The template is powered by latest bootstrap, google font, font awesome. Its also support all browser and Devices. Features: Latest Bootstrap Super Responsive Parallax effect Valid HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Working PHP / Ajax Contact Form Awesome Unique Look Unique effects and functionality Smooth transition effects Cross Browser Optimization Font Awesome Icons Google font Sources \u0026amp; Credits : Google Font Used http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Open+Sans http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Courgette http://fontawesome.io Jquery Jquery countdown plugin Jquery wow plugin... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
I’m currently using this template as my website. In the blog section, I’d like to add a comment but it doesn’t being added. How can I fix the code to make it happen?

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hello, I have one technical question. Bootstrap dropdown submenu dont work corectly. when you try to open it on mobile devices it just show 2 or 3 submenu items and thats all..there is something wrong. I tryied to find out it by myself but a litle hard for now. I would be glad to get some help and maybe it will make better that very impressive template.

Review Left On 07/05/2022
Hello, thank you for the nice design. I have 1 question, can I add more images on Portfolio page?
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Review Left On 07/24/2022
Hello gorgeous template – congrats. I’m thinking about buying, my only question is if I buy, do I have to leave in the footer credits for my site?

Review Left On 07/31/2022
Goog work, nice template, i like it. But i need to know first before purchasing if you planed to render item of the menu bar into active once i scroll the screen to this item page.
Excuse my english: hope you understand my question. ;(

Review Left On 09/11/2022
I like the template and I’m going to purchase, but first need to know if there is a way to make a Pricing pace, a page where all the services and prices can be on and seen????