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> Fina - Finance and Business HTML Template Review
Fina - Finance and Business HTML Template
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Fina is a Modern responsive HTML Template. It is especially designed for Business, Financial Advisor, Accountant, Law Firm, Wealth Advisor, Investment and general corporate website. This theme comes with 4 homepage variant Fina template used UIKit framework for flexibility and agility, and developed with HTML5 and CSS3 for modern web standard. Fina Features: HTML5 and CSS3 UIKit framework 4 Homepages Layout Font Awesome Responsive Layout Sticky menu Off-canvas menu Parallax Retina Ready Google Fonts Working Ajax Contact Form Google Map Full Commented Code Well Documentated and more… Changelog 1.0.1 version (03/20/2018) : - Update UIkit framework to latest version 3.0.0 beta 40 - Remove swiper slider, change with UIkit slideshow com... READ MORE
Review Left On 04/08/2022
I like this design. It is very beautiful work.
Is the WordPress version of this theme ready?
And if the WordPress version is not ready yet, can you specify a date to submit it?
Thanks a lot
Review Left On 04/27/2022
great work – when is the wordpress version coming please ? Or would you create exclusive wordpress version as custom work ?
Review Left On 04/30/2022
Altaf Granelli
nice template. Very Good
I have one question. I didnt found the stock jquery in the download.
I hope you can send me the code
thank you
Thanks for the great theme! I would like to use the ticker directly in the HTML. So I want to fill in my own content. How can I achieve that? No info in the documentation about this.
Thank you
Review Left On 09/22/2022
Hi! I use yours template and i wanna make one thing – put into slider section slide with 4 figures with figcaptions inline, imgs are small but should be justify (space-between) in div. can you help me please? which style of content div (parent and child? Code looks just like this:
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