TopBiz – Responsive Corporate HTML5 Template TopBiz is modern, clean and professionally crafted Site Template. It has 3 homepages. This template suits for any type of portfolio, personal website, business, corporate, design studio etc. This Site Template has accent color chemes, dark \u0026amp; light versions and boxed \u0026amp; wide versions. The HTML is designed on Bootstrap grid and easy to customize. This Template will be available in WP version as soon as possible. Stay tuned! If you really like TopBiz, please don’t forget RATE it . It will help me. Thanks a lot. #September 23, 2015 *Initial Release. #November 6, 2015 *Chrome carousel image outline issue fix. #November 7, 2015 *Css portfoli... READ MORE

Review Left On 09/15/2022
Hello, great pleasure and excellent subject.
I have a doubt if it is not annoying, because on my computer if I open the TopBiz theme it looks good, but when I upload it to a web hosting it looks like this? the divs are redimensioned or what happens? because it looks crooked as if a div was wrong.
Sorry mi bad english i am from mexico.
See the pictures.
in mi PC see all fine, but in the website host see bad..
and no is the HTML file because the error is in all web no just 1 file html.
any idea?
and other sections see same..
now when i Upload the website to 1 Hosting web:
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