Important note: This is the HTML version of Lydia. Please make sure you need the HTML version before purchasing. We can’t be held responsible for wrong purchases, we won’t be providing any refunds for purchases by mistake. Lydia – Photography \u0026amp; Magazine Site Template Lydia is the most completed responsive photography and magazine HTML5 Template with various portfolio and blog options which is suitable for bloggers for having appealing journals and for artists, photographers, creative agencies, digital studios, blogger, personal freelancers, and any kind of business owners that would like to showcase their portfolio beautifully. Lydia was built with awesome Twitter Bootstrap v3 and it features 30+ cool HTML5 pages with 11 colo... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
What files where edited in the most recent update? I bought as previous version and want to only forward fixes since I heavily edited the template. Thank you

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hello. I am having trouble with the contact form. When I am submitting the form, I am seeing the message “Response from mailing server was unclear. Please contact administrator.” To troubleshoot, I open the web browser’s console and see the following:
XML Parsing Error: unclosed token
Location: filepath/contact/vanilla-form.php
Line Number 1, Column 1:
I noticed there isn’t a php closing tag (?>) in the php form. So I tried closing the php token at the end thinking it might be the problem, but when I do that I see this error “XML Parsing Error: no root element found”
I also checked the php code on for any syntax errors, but there aren’t any syntax errors.
I am testing on the firefox browser.
When I test on chrome, it just says ‘sending’ and never sends.
Please help.

Review Left On 04/16/2022
I downloaded the latest version, but the help.html page is not showing. i can’t get instagram to work.
Motion | vCard HTML Template
Love is - Wedding HTML Template
Moose - Creative Multipurpose Theme
Kybully - Responsive WooCommerce Shopfront Theme
Precise — Multipurpose Responsive Magento Theme

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Under motion gallery, can I insert mp4 file directly into the html? directly into the file without inserting 3rd party link.

Review Left On 05/29/2022
Hi! I purchased this theme and love it. However, I am having trouble finding the documentation. Can you please tell me where to find it? Thanks.

Review Left On 07/01/2022
Actually it is clearly stated at the top of the item description page:

Review Left On 07/11/2022
I found this template via a search for Wordpress templates and like another of your customers purchased the wrong version.
You may think that it is “clear” that this isn’t the Wordpress version, but it’s not. Perhaps especially so for people unfamiliar with the Themeforest site.
Since you went to the trouble of stating that you won’t be helping people who accidentally chose the wrong version (in good faith), you must have this problem a lot. So please enjoy my money, but don’t expect any more of it.

Review Left On 07/20/2022
Hello. I am facing an issue with the revolution slider only in firefox. I am playing a mp4 video as a layer on the slider (read the html 5 video notes on themepunch). I am seeing two problems in firefox:
1) The video does not appear when I play it. I only hear audio.
2) I used data-videoposter to mask the video player with a chosen png image. That image doesn’t appear in firefox.
Please let me know how to fix.

Review Left On 07/21/2022
I have bought several themes and I thought this was a Wordpress theme, it was not clearly identified as Not being a Wordpress theme.
Will I be credited for the theme so I can purchase the Wordpress version of the same theme, if you have one?
If so, my review will reflect your customer service as exceptional.

Review Left On 07/22/2022
Can’t find assets forlder where must be plugin images like background:url(../assets/shadow1.png) or background:url(../assets/gridtile.png) and etc.

Review Left On 09/03/2022
Hi, I have a question, I would like to use only one page slide portfolio to post my projects as videolinks, which posted on vimeo. Is it possible to add “Iframe” videolinks to the previews, as they slide out, by clicking on the preview image?