Let your creativity flow with a theme tailerod to perfectly fit the needs of any freelancer, agency, designer or creative agency of any kind. Pitch comes with 12 beautiful homepages, 4 case study layouts, 30+ portfolio templates. Packed with a wide array of features and a vast set of shortcodes ideal for any web design agency, digital agency or creative business in general. Present your work in striking manner and create a talent agency, personal portfolio, marketing agency, digital web agency website or designer portfolio with complete ease. Get Pitch today and share your talents with the world. Here’s a link if you wish to view the Pitch documentation. If you have any questions or wish to learn more about Pitch theme, we’ve compiled... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
I’ve scoured these comments along with all documentation, and still cannot figure out how to control the logo height x width on the sticky header/menu. The links in previous comments goto documentation for a different theme. And these theme options are not available. I created a support ticket on your site, so hopefully we can get this figured out for myself, and all the others that are looking to control the logo height. I feel this is a pretty standard request in WP themes. Thanks in advance for your response.

Review Left On 04/15/2022
How do you get rid of the separator between the links and the search/hamburger icons in the nav bar?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hey there, I get an error in my dbug.log [29-Sep-2021 16:17:15 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in xxxx/wp-content/plugins/select-core/modules/core-dashboard/sub-pages/import/import.php on line 284
Medical Healthcare WordPress Theme
Burst - Creative Design Agency
Mi. - Ultimate Personal Resume vCard Template
ATStore - Multipurpose eCommerce PSD Template
Zero - Responsive Ghost Blog Theme

Review Left On 05/01/2022
My support has expired so i hope that someone can help me.. I use the portfolio on my website but there is few things that i cant delet from the portfolio page that are automaticaly there :
- date, category, social network icons, like button
- and at the bottom it has a caroussel.
Can somone cas tel me how to remove them ? I must have missed something…
Thank you so much for the future help !

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Thank you for reaching us!
We are constantly working on updating all our themes, our developers are working hard on preparing updates, and we will release them one by one.
But if you need an immediate update of any of the plugins, we would kindly ask you to send us a mail providing your purchase code in it and our team will be happy to provide you with the latest versions of bundled plugins.
Select Portfolio part of
Qode Interactive
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Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hello, I don’t see a lot of support on PITCH theme. Before renewing my support , i would like to know when we will get an update on WP bakery and also some ensurance that the theme will work under WP 5.8. Thanks in advance

Review Left On 08/11/2022
Hello, is it possible that the last update of the theme if you do not have the embedded license, the options of the theme do not work?

Review Left On 08/15/2022
I’m finding that this theme is very funky, and some responsive behavior makes no sense. For instance: buttons in the slider, in mobile, go down to 6PX in font size. Where does this change take place, and also why was this decided to be a good UX decision? No one on their phone can read this.
Honestly, the more I use it, the more frustrated I get because it’s not at all what I expected and I want my money back.

Review Left On 09/02/2022
When are you going to publish an update? The last update is nearly 1 year old. The WP Bakery also… I do not want to renew my support if I don’t know that you’re still keeping the theme up to date…

Review Left On 09/30/2022
I just purchased the theme, download it, activate it, but when I wanted to import the demo I only found in “Select Demo to import” the pitch option which is the main theme (the one presenting all the demos). I’m not able to download the demo! Please it’s urgent, could anyone help???