Boo | Creative - Cloud Hosting - University - eCommerce - Mobile App - Personal - Lawyer PSD
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Check out our new item See all previews here For version 1.3 , We focus to design online store pages. Now, you can download fashion store design with 24 new PSD design for online store pages. You can found some alternative store designs such as: full width homepage, standart homepage with Bootstrap Grid System, 4 Columns Item Category Pages, 3 Columns Item Category Pages, 2 Columns Items Category Pages, List Pages Style with sidebar and without sidebar, shopping cart page, checkout page, order received page, etc. You can convert this page to WooCommerse, Magento, Prestashop, Opencart, Shopify, Virtuemart, Zen Cart, and other eCommerse Management System. Enjoy it!! BOO version 1.2 approved now ( November 21, 2015), 21 new P... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Absolutely amazing layout
I’m looking for something like this but theme-ready, either as HTML or Wordpress, do you know any?
I’m pretty sure if you convert your PSD into a proper theme you’ll make a good selling.
I wish you all the best

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi. Excellent product, but one little Problem. In this file: 01_01_01_BOO_Homepage_CREATIVE_Version_1.psd the Layer: THEME FEATURE -> FEATURE THEME 2 -> GRAPHICS -> REPLACE ME, CLICK2X. This is not like the another mockup. I can’t edit this file, like FEATURE THEME 1. Can you correct this please.

Review Left On 05/14/2022
hi, would like to use your shop template with virtuemart 3, is there a quickstart available or how would installation work, that i would get same like demo. i’m unfortunatelly not a professional. thanks.
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Review Left On 06/03/2022
Excellent Design Little suggestion add eCommerce section , it will go viral like anything. GLWS

Review Left On 07/12/2022
So nice! 1 question…do the designs comes with the mockups used in some of your designs? For example the responsive mocks with laptop, phone, etc? Can I use those with my designs?