A High Performance, Portfolio WP Theme for Creatives Eurybia is a complete and versatile WordPress theme that is perfect for creative portfolios – from bloggers and freelancers to video production and commercial stores. Whether you want to present a collection of work, inspiration, products or services, this portfolio theme has every detail covered. Our theme include all features that you need Creative Hero Sections Import Demo Content With Only One Click Grid, Masonry, With or Without Space Portfolios and Gallery Styles Portfolio Page Examples Built-In Home Fullscreen Slider, HTML Video, Parallax… Visual Composor Page Builder with Drag and Drop layout (Save 34$) Unlimited Color Styles. Create your custom c... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
My main menu is only rendering as a mobile hamburger even on desktop. It was not doing this originally. I have deleted and recreated the menu 3 times and same results.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
I install demo but on website I can not see this. But in admin panel I see all information. What I need correct that demo info I can see?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hello, when I install the required plugins I get the mention that it is forbidden. The forbidden plugins are:
OT Portfolio
OT Video Products
OT Visual Composer
Revolution Slider
WPBakery Visual Composer
What to do?
Rigel - Multi-Purpose Business Portfolio Theme
Grand - Furniture Shopify Theme
Chill - Blog and Magazine WordPress Theme
PhotoBooth - Photo Booth template
Fenix - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress theme

Review Left On 05/21/2022
Hi, really like the theme. I have the same question as someone above. Can I use the Photos on the main page to open a pop up window and just play a video?

Review Left On 05/25/2022
Hi, I’m interested in this template. Is their a way to play a video when clicking on the Photo of Project name when using the portfolio home layout ?

Review Left On 07/25/2022
Can you please tell me how I can remove the header/sub header part from pages.

Review Left On 07/28/2022
The OT Portfolio grid isn’t compatible with Lazy Load, also not SEO optimized. This theme is out of date and needs an update. Don’t recommend anyone purchase.

Review Left On 08/03/2022
The theme doesn’t work properly anymore. Many of the settings on wordpess can’t be edited as it should. Needs an update or put out of sale.

Review Left On 09/05/2022
This theme looks cool and I was considering to purchase it. But then I saw all these fake comments. Why do you have so many?