WP Residence is a state-of-the-art WordPress theme that gives you the tools to build an astonishing real estate website for independent agents, agencies or companies. It offers high customizability, flexibility and excellent documentation with narrated video tutorials. The theme has all the flexibility you need to provide the best user experience. Over 400 neatly organized theme options are included to help you create a unique and modern real estate website. 30 pre-built demos are available to get you started in minutes. Latest Version 4.3 – January 11 new demos for real estate – http://seattle.wpresidence.net/, https://boston.wpresidence.net/, https://dallas.wpresidence.net/, https://memphi... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
If the client don´t pay the package, have possibility to dont´t exclue de listing? Beacuse, he can pay after 2 or 5 days. Can i program for save the listing for more 3 or 5 days for the client don´t loss every work?

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Let me ask, when the agents posts the properties and is approved, it will always display the article on that profile instead of manually selecting it as instructed. I find it a bit inconvenient because there are many posts every day and can’t notice who this properties belongs to. Please help

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hello Pacha2012
Thank you for the comment. I am not sure what you need to edit. Search dropdowns values can be modified in code.
Please use our client support http://support.wpestate.org/ to assist further.
If you wish my assistance to register in support please send a message from here with the buyer account or the license – https://themeforest.net/user/wpestate
Please note that our standard office hours are Monday – Friday, 9AM-5PM Europe timezone.
Thank you
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Review Left On 04/17/2022
Hi, in the documentation, you recommend Weglot to translate, my question is, How submitting a property will function ? the user will be able to enter data for all languages ? e.g. property name in English, in french and German ?

Review Left On 04/21/2022
I use but when installing error Deprecated: _register_controls has been removed from version 3.1.0! Use ElementorControls_Stack::register_controls() . Please show me how to fix it. Thank you.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi Support Team,
some issues with Elementor. I have upgraded all (theme+theme plugins).
Deleted caches (web site) and also the cache of the browser (I also work in incognito mode). If I try to edit the home page, elementor does not start and it blocks the entire site. I have to disable elementor via FTP to gain access to the wp-admin. I’m trying with elem 3.6.1 but not working. I downgraded to 3.5.6.
With this release I can access the home page but I cannot see the WpEstate widgets, on the left panel. Then in the home page, I see empty columns without WpEstate widget. Any fast solution? Because the website in broken. thanks

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi, I have bought your theme many years ago. When I update with new version all the website doen’t works anymore (shortcode appears, logo and all settings disappear…) When I stay on the old theme version the website is hacked : a file “wpbricks.1.1.zip” is uploaded and uncompressed in “uploads/estate_templates/wpbricks” folder and a virus use your theme for take the website and use it for some things (homepage is crawled by google with strange content, etc). My support is finished… What propose you ? (I use version 1.20)

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Pre-sale question. Listing Types.
About the page Properties, there is only one template, or is possible to add or remove elements for different propose?
For example, in A Properties peage to have anemeties, and to B Properties peage not.
Also the installation of WooCommerce it is definitely required?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hy! Please inform me, this theme is know that:
I have uploaded all the properties to the site.
The buyer is coming and wants to see 3 properties.
Can I save the buyer’s details (name, address, ID card) and which properties he viewed? And when..
Later i need one list to show which properties how many people checked before sell. Thank you

Review Left On 04/28/2022
https://snipboard.io/she7jv.jpg In this screenshot on your demo you can only choose one. Is there an option on allowing pay per listing and membership?

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hi, Facing an issue with WpResidence Elementor Widgets plugin in our website. My website is not showing full width structure is disturbed and when we disable the WpResidence Elementor Widgets plugin sites works fine but the data shown via that particular plugin doesn’t show obiviously as plugin is disabled. So what is the solution. Need help in this record

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hello, why in your demo in French and in German, I can swipe the images of the ads to the left or to the right without having to enter the ad,
I say that because you said a long time ago that this option is not compatible with your bootstrap theme
I don’t understand how it works on your demo in French or German

Review Left On 05/16/2022
Hi, Purchased the theme already and have a question that I can’t find the answer for on the help site.
Can custom fields have a hierarchy on the property details page? If not, is it possible to display additional taxonomy’s created for Properties on the property detail page?
Thank you!

Review Left On 06/06/2022
I said that there is a difference between your main demo and the demo in french, the difference is on the main emo you can’t swipe to the left or to the right the images of an ad without having to enter the ad, on the other hand on the demo in French this functionality of scanning the image of an ad without opening it is available
my question is: you said in the comments that this swipe option is not compatible on bootstrap theme, so you worked on it and added it recently?

Review Left On 06/20/2022
Advice if you can make.
When user may be need kind of property and not find it in website.
That user can list the specification of property, that request can be accessed by Registered Agency who paid premium or the agency who allowed by Admin.

Review Left On 07/27/2022
Hello. I have a question. How do I edit the number of bedrooms filter? I can’t find it in the theme and it doesn’t work for me when using the filter.

Review Left On 07/31/2022
We are getting the error “a problem has occurred repeatedly” on iPhone for several months. Also the navigation bar won’t work sometimes. I’ve tried a lot of things within WordPress and Siteground but nothing worked yet. Caching is disabled on the hosting and cookies are cleaned on the phones also. Please check the support ticket 210814.
I hope to hear from you and hope you can solve this

Review Left On 08/02/2022
I am analyzing my site by Ahrefs. I find out my site have 163 multiple meta description tags. I try to find the tips on the google to fix it, but can not find out, and I find on this site have a topic (but deleted the link). So can you update in the next time to fix this problem. I use AIO SEO and another site by another theme not have any multiple meta description tags. I hope the next update, you will fix it. I saw another your client use Yoast and the the same problem, then I think this problem is the theme. Your theme very good, run very fast and safety. I like it. Thank you so much.

Review Left On 08/12/2022
Hi, Please check if you have the latest theme https://help.wpresidence.net/article/wp-residence-change-log/ We already use Elementor full width in our demos successfully, but there was an update done for this template.
Help to update https://help.wpresidence.net/article/how-to-update-the-theme/
Please use our client support http://support.wpestate.org/ if you need further help. This is also a private support where you can send us your site details (url and wp-admin access).
If you wish my assistance to register in support please send a message from here – https://themeforest.net/user/wpestate
Please note that our standard office hours are Monday – Friday, 9AM-5PM Europe timezone.
Thank you

Review Left On 08/18/2022
Ciao, ho aggiornato il tema, voglio inserire un immagine di sfondo nel mega-menù ma quando la carico non mi appare nel menù, quale potrebbe essere il problema?

Review Left On 10/04/2022
Why Advance Search form for Desktop and mobile differ? I want the same advance search for both. I have Advance Search type 8 and it is displaying different form for mobile display…Please help how to do it