Insomnia - Beautiful and Modern HTML 5 / CSS 3 Corporate Template
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Powerful site template designed in a clean and minimalistic style. Template can be used for any type of website, business, corporate, portfolio, products, marketing, etc. Insomnia has been coded in HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 and jQuery. It contains a lot of HTML pages with flexible responsive layout that collected all Bootstrap features. WORDPRESS VERSION Template features: - Twitter Bootstrap - Fully Responsive - Minimal Design - 100% Retina Ready - Beautiful Hovers - PHP Contact Form - Revolution Slider - Parallax Effects - 400+ Awesome Icons - A lot of HTML Page - Many Shortcodes Change Log Update: Version 1.0.7 – March 1, 2016 – add new homepage – fixes minor bugs Version 1.0.6 – February 24, 2016 – fixes minor bugs... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/07/2022
the hambuger menu does not work in mobile as it is supposed to, doesn’t work in the demo either. find too many bugs with this to be useful… looks nice but that’s about it. This is still Bootstrap 3 which is very outdated… Suggest you actually stick to the css framework and use less of your own inventions…
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