LUV – is a responsive one page HTML wedding template. It works for mobile device and desktop. It is clean and simple. Great for wedding invitation and wedding event. Update LUV 2.3 Optimized for Mobile Version / iPhone 6 Bug Fix: Page not scrolling after closing gallery popup on IE11 Update LUV 2.2 Update slider: More compatible on mobile version specially for iPhone and iPad. Bug Fix: Page not scrolling after closing ajax popup on IE11 Update Photo Divider: More compatible with IE11. Update Photo Divider: More compatible with Chrome on retina display. Update LUV 2.1 Bug Fix: Photo Divider on Safari mobile / mobile browser. Bug Fix: Reset value for RSVP form when it submit succesfully. Bug Fix: Touch Scrolling on IE11 Window... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/19/2022
I’ve purchased this template and its great.
Was wondering if the super slider supports video in place of just imagery?
If so, can you let me know how to implement.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Why after the support is finished we can no longer install the files because they do not have their root function.php and style.css files?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi, great template! I have one question though about the Google map. Is there a way to stop the map moving? As when using an iphone it is hard to scroll down the page because the map just drags… Can this map be made static on mobiles only, or in general if the only way to do it?
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Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi I’m getting an error message – This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details. where am I going wrong?

Review Left On 05/26/2022
I noticed that on my iPhone 6 plus, while viewing your demo and the webpage I’ve been creating in landscape mode causes the browser to crash, especially while activating popups on bride/groom section. Any recommendations for a resolution?
This is on iOS 8.1.2 using the native Safari app.

Review Left On 06/12/2022
Thanks for report it. It seems like the RAM usage increase when browsing in landscape on iPhone 6 plus. We will check more detail about this.

Review Left On 06/23/2022
is it possible to add sub-menus and have more parallax section ? and if its possible to have a language bar in the menu

Review Left On 08/20/2022
Great template! Check out Joomla! CMS version here:

Review Left On 10/01/2022
I was curious before I bought. Is there a way to add a guest book instead of the RSVP form?