FOREVER – a clean and elegant HTML wedding template, great for wedding invitation or engagement. Coming with wedding features such as Countdown, Couple Timeline, Location Map, RSVP, Groomsmen, Bridesmaid, Gift Registry and others. This template is responsive and optimized for mobile device. NOTE: FOREVER is HTML template (not a wordpress theme). Update v1.03 Bug Fix: Location Map Icon Disappear Update v1.02 Bug Fix: Slider Title Animation not work on IE11 Bug Fix: Flexslider Arrow being clipped at the bottom Prevent multiple submit on rsvp form Bug Fix: Image Divider not shown on browser window resize Update v1.01 Bug Fix: Sidebar Navigation Won’t Slide Open in Safari (Video Page) Features 3 versions : Top/Bottom Bar, Si... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
...same here: pictures are removed in chrome.
your fix works great! thanks for your quick support!

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Hi there, is there a way to first validate rsvp and to give visitors 2 different rsvp forms?

Review Left On 04/16/2022
It was disabled by default for mobile optimation. If you want to enable it. Go to script.js. Then find “OWL CAROUSEL – GIFT REGISTRY” section. Then delete the exception for mobile and tablet.
If you have the problem on finding it, just send message to our profile page, we will reply more detail by email.
Thank you
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Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi, I bought the template few weeks ago and suddenly now the custom fonts are not working on Chrome 56.0.2924.87 on Windows. Is it my browser only?
I also checked with IE and Chrome on Mac. All work fine. Thanks in advance!

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi, When I use the photo divider for the pictures, the pictures are only shown in Safari, Firefox but not Chrome. Could you please provide a solution?

Review Left On 05/20/2022
What file does get pasted into with our API key?

Review Left On 06/29/2022
Hi, great template,
Rsvp is not working for me, I’ve tried the domain email from my hosting in rsvp.php but still have the “failed” message
Could you please help me

Review Left On 08/06/2022
Hi, (sorry for my english).
I love your template. I’ve got one question: is it possible to disable the preload? i’ve remove the css and javascript but all the others div now are now hidden …...

Review Left On 08/07/2022
Hello again!
In gift registry section, the carousel does not automatically slide on chrome and safari for android and iphone respectively.
Could you help me?

Review Left On 08/13/2022
I am trying to install the theme for one of my clients and for some reason when I import the demo content I get a 404 error page. Is there something that I am missing? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Review Left On 09/17/2022
Hi, the RSVP section isn’t working for me. I’m getting a ‘Failed’ message when sending the email. I have changed the $email_to variable.

Review Left On 09/26/2022
FYI: The markerwithlabel.js repository (from google) is down. Downloading the oficial one didn’t work. I just downloaded the one hosted in the demo and works. The official V3 just shows the buble with text, not the icons.