For faster support and custom made (with extra cost) wordpress version please mail us to [email protected] Adele is a responsive HTML Landing page for promoting supplementary products. The template is perfect for both lead generation and conversion purposes with easy customization and user friendly layout.Top Features Responsive Layout. Bootstrap 3. Build with HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3. Google fonts. Well Documented. Fast Customer Support. Regular Updates. Mailchimp Integrated. Testimonials. Before After Demonstration. Mockup Included. ---------------------------------- Update 1.1 (27 Feb 2016) ---------------------------------- + Video Stop and Width Fixed ---------------------------------- Update 1.2 (05 Dec 2016) -----... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Could you please send us an email to [email protected] so we can send you the updated file?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
js/smoothscroll.min.js this throwing error on chrome. Every time you scroll it adds new error. Please check.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi, I recently bout this template from you. I’m in search of the psd files for the supplement bottle
Curio - Responsive Minimal Blog Theme
Artday - Creative Artist WordPress Shop
Fable - Bakery / Coffee / Pub / Restaurant Site Template
SuperShot - Creative HTML Template
Mega - Responsive Email + StampReady Builder

Review Left On 08/15/2022
I have recently purchased this landing page:
62c4af90-0dbb-4c7e-96ae-ca5cb81dcef6 – 25 Aug 2020
But I see you offer a wordpress version. Can you provide this to me instead?
Also, can you provide information on the link to access a back office or admin section where customizations can be made?
Thank you!

Review Left On 09/04/2022
Is there a Wordpress version of this? If so, do you plan on listing it for sale on Themeforest?

Review Left On 09/09/2022
Hi there, I have tried to upload the theme to Shopify, but it says this: zip does not contain a valid theme: missing template “layout/theme.liquid”. Could you please help? Thanks a lot