Clean Photo - Photography Portfolio WordPress Theme
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Clean Photo is a fully responsive WordPress theme for Photography \u0026amp; Portfolio websites. With a focus on Premium retina-ready content, includes 6 months of support. Current version: 1.9.7 – Last update: Dec 22, 2021 Search for your question or submit a new ticket and we will help you. Outstanding Customer Support We aim to go above and beyond with technical support for our customers. You will have access to our 5 Star dedicated support crew to help you out with any technical questions you may come across. Item Support includes: Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features Fixing confirmed bugs in the theme code Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new WordPress versi... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
I’ve updated your theme to the 1.9.6 version but I don’t see it in my WordPress installation. Is it an omission on your part in this new version to have changed the version number?
Also, I want to create a block like this one on your demo here “The Latest Stories” :
How can I do to deploy a block like this?

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Is the instagram feed plugin included in this theme and does it work? I want to buy this theme. Found some comments that it does not work. Appreciate a reply. Thanks

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Yes, it’s our fault, we just forgot to change the number in the change-log, but don’t worry, the latest version of the theme is available in your downloads tab, please ignore the number.
If you have imported demo data “The latest stories” block should be available in the Pages section on Front page 2. If not, you can create it manually, here is the setup:
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Review Left On 04/23/2022
Access to the site is disabled. Please contact site administrator to resolve this issue.
Has anyone an idea what happened to my page? Can’t access it anyomore, even not with the wordpress login…