Dap is a fully responsive WordPress Theme designed with a creative and clean design. Dap focuses on design and the simplicity to use. You can mixing pre-designed block to create a unique and personal design. All the code is well commented and Vergatheme will answer you at all your questions. This template have different layouts and is perfect for building Portfolio, Agencies, Freelancer, Restaurant, Gym, Travel, Construction, Small Business and many others Websites.. It comes with 18 types of homepages and 6+ types of Header. This template is perfect for building an awesome website for Portfolio, Agency, Photograpy and Blog. It comes with function ready for use and well commented. Dap have multiple layouts everyone clean and fully... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/24/2022
I am having lots of trouble manipulating the size of my logo. It is so small, I can’t even read the name of my company. Anyway to make it larger in the header?

Review Left On 05/09/2022
Hi, I like so many things about your template, but one thing I’m struggling with is the menu. I want a simple sticky header menu with text options instead of the blue buttons on the left side of the page – that go on to the sticky header on the scroll. Also, the documentation that came with the theme doesn’t seem related to theme, it’s a bit confusing.

Review Left On 06/19/2022
The theme says that it includes Visual Composer (now called WPBakery), but I did not a get a license and cannot activate it to use the pre made themes. Has this feature been changed, or do I need to purchase Visual Composer separately again?
Directory | Multi-purpose WordPress Theme
Megna Construction and Architecture WordPress Theme
OnePlus - Responsive Fashion & Jewelry eCommerce WordPress Theme
News365 - WordPress Newspaper Theme for Magazine / Blog
Kobra - Personal Portfolio WordPress Theme

Review Left On 07/10/2022
After wp upgrade we are experiencing a weird problem.
If we enable the theme-common plugin v. 1.0.1 our site stop to work. In the log it reports: “PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_generate_password() in /home/idrafin.it/public_html/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 186”
If we disable the plugin site start working but without the theme.
Thankyou for your help.

Review Left On 07/26/2022
I have bought your beautiful theme and I am trying to import Demo data and it is not possible because: Internal Server Error
Pri zpracovani pozadavku doslo k vnitrni chybe. Pravdepodobne se jedna o chybu v .htaccess souboru.
Ctete instrukce v nasi znalostni bazi: Chyba 500 – Internal Server Error
It supposed to be some error in .htaccess file.
I do not know how to solve this. Could you help me please?
Thank you!

Review Left On 08/29/2022
Is it possilbe to mix the theme’s in to 1 Wordpress website.
Can i use ellements from Architecture, minimal and agency inone page?
I hope to hear from you soon,

Review Left On 09/08/2022
I need to change the “see the project” text in portfolio buttons. I found out where this is hardcoded and changed it, but nothing happens. Is there another way to do this?

Review Left On 09/11/2022
Hi, i installed the theme and got few problems:
1. the font style is not working. (Using Chrome on windows, it is working on my mac but not the windows device)
2. contact page doesn’t load. (Error: google is not defined)