About EPIC EPIC is ready to boost your next or existing project with a tailor-made design. Polyvalent, elegant, crafted carefully for the best user experience. Exclusive in all the ways, offering a range of unique interactions, 4 premium variants and a solid foundation under Bootstrap 3. Versatile and perfect for every creative people, corporates, agency, e-commerce, business, portfolio etc… EPIC has been built with the Framework Bootstrap 3, responsive on every screens from phone to TV, easy to customize, HTML5 verified 100% by the W3C, CSS3, SASS and Mailchimp. A documentation is provided in your download pack for your customizations, you have also the possibility to contact me for more help )” title=” :)” /\u0026gt; Main features... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Is there a simple way to change colours? To change the button and the text colours in one line?

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hello Dear Madeon08,
First of all, tks for the excelente template. Great Work!
I finish my customization – but I have 1 issue..
A horizontal bar appears on Google Chrome.
I tried overflow-x: hidden in HTML and BODY but dont Works…

Review Left On 04/16/2022
I’m trying to concatenate and minify all the JS and CSS files but when I do it, everything messes up. I was wondering if you knew what was the problem.
Kallem - HTML Portfolio template
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Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hello ,
Theme is no doubtly the best theme for a countdown project,
Would like to know that I have purchased epic Pack in which I am interested in particle animation for my website , so
1) can I change the background grey colour ?
2) can video play in background ?
3) and can the colour of buttons and the particles moving in the background be changed ?

Review Left On 04/25/2022
I’ve edited and installed the template but it seems to have some problems in online mode: www.sayollo.com
On offline mode, it works well.
Can you check it, please?

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Dear Madeon08 Crew
We are having problems with the newsletter in Mailchimp.
Note we configured the files as noted in the documentation. then zipped and uploaded the file to mailchimp.
We are only interested in using the star wars theme and coundown counter.
We will not rate the product until we get it functioning. Our question.
What specific legend files should we zip/upload to mailchimp and what files should we exclude? (SaaS folder???)
Thanks, Gregory

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Après avoir acheté 3 ou 4 Template fait par vous, j’ai choisi finalement EPIC!!
Seul problème, je ne sais pas comment le mettre en ligne… Pourriez-vous le faire pour moi ? C’est vraiment pour un projet très important pour moi… Je peux vous payer 50€.
Merci beaucoup,

Review Left On 07/28/2022
Hi there! Great template; I’m a bit of a novice with HTML but finding it fairly easy to use! My question is re: resizing the logo and adding space to keep the “Hello, World” and sub-section from moving up over that logo when the browser window is resized. I can easily change the logo’s max width allowed in the CSS but haven’t figured out how to add any extra empty space. Could you point me in the right direction?