Ex Watch is a Modern \u0026amp; Responsive Ecommerce HTML Template suitable for a single product showcase or multiple products of same range. It has all the necessary sections/pages to sell or showcase your product(s). It is based on 1170px Bootstrape responsive grid system. Key Features: 4 Fully Layered / Editable Photoshop (PSD) files One-page / Multiple Products of same range Ecommerce Design Layout Responsive 1170px Grid Based Design Easy to Customize Free Google Web Fonts Free Icon Fonts and more… ICONS: FontAwesome: fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/cheatsheet Icon Font Pack themes-pixeden.com/font-demos/7-stroke/ IMAGES / Credits / Resources Used: www.pixabay.com www.dollarphotoclub.com d... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
How do i disable the pop up when i click on the buttons? i just want them to go to an external URL and not add product to cart popup

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi, main background slider not working background-image is not showing on main page. How I can fix it?

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Is your Theme compatible with DreamWeaver 5.5? Been having some difficult with ThemeForest developers lately. Thank you!
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Review Left On 04/17/2022
Hey i bought this theme thinking it works on wordpress. I was surprised to know it doesnt wordpress website theme how can you help me with that? i wish it to become wordpress

Review Left On 04/23/2022
hello, if you add 5 pages i will buy your theme, sign in page / register page / shipping page / checkout page / terms page (page with only text)

Review Left On 05/02/2022
If you are adding more slider-pros, check the custom.js page, needs some input there that is not explained in documentation.

Review Left On 05/16/2022
Hello, the above template. Tell me, is the feedback form implemented there? Or will you need to connect it yourself?

Review Left On 06/08/2022
As you said , i bought the wordpress version please refund me on HTML.
Purchase code: 75f70b3f-5618-4071-9e73-778a4dee225e