Changelog FEATURES: 5 different types of menus 8 different types of homepages Parallax effect Revolution Slider ($12 worth) Flexslider (support video, any HTML content) Responsive HTML5/CSS3 design Unlimited portfolio works (AJAX) FontAwesome icons included (369+ Icons) Twitter Live (latest Twitter API) Working contact and newsletter form Lightbox preview Bootstrap 3 (Mobile First) Unlimited colors For PRO users – LESS files included... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi, I’ ve having an issue with pagination at blog page, after page 5, the pagination has Error 404. I’ve tried updatig theme, deactivating and activating theme, I don’t know what code need add for do it works. I hope you has identified the issue, thanks in advance.

Review Left On 04/18/2022
I try to install the theme from Wordpress importing the .zip file and appears the missage “The link you followed has expired”, “Please try again”. I have tryed but the message appers each time. How I can do it? Thanks

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hello would like to ask a basic question. If i buy this template for one site, but then want to use it again do i buy it for the same price again or do i buy it for a lower price.
Kawa | Agency and Portfolio PSD Template
Martin - Multipurpose Responsive HTML5 Template
Flocks : Social Community PSD Template
Wave | Agency & Freelancer Portfolio
Jevelin | Multi-Purpose Responsive WordPress AMP Theme

Review Left On 04/21/2022
The FAQ page can be created by choosing in Page Attributes FAQ Template type.
Thanks, createIT

Review Left On 04/26/2022
How can I create a new page with attributes like FAQ or services pages.
When I create a new page look messing! Thanks!

Review Left On 06/22/2022
hi, a problem occurred with your amazing theme, Boston: i set the navigation menù color to blue but it appeared to be grey… there is a reason? can you help me? also if i write a rule in custom css the problem remain..

Review Left On 07/29/2022
I purchesed this theme a couple of months ago and I’m almost ready to publish. But there seems tot a little bug. When I try to make chabges via Theme Options, I can’t click any of the buttons (for instance chnging ‘make email clickable’) from ‘no’ to ‘yes’ and when hitting the ‘save all changes’ button after making some other changes, nothing happens. It has worked before. How do we fix this?

Review Left On 09/15/2022
Hi! I have not successfully retrieved any contact messages that are being sent from the contact us form. It is based on the demo contact form (on the “Contact Us” page), it will always display the green message “Thank You! We will contact you shortly.” after each test. I had edited the demo form to send to my email address for testing, I had also included the shortcode “[contact_form mailto=”g*@i*.com”] that you had previously recommended for a fellow buyer that ran into this problem but still no messages are coming into my inbox. Please advise, ty! (note: I opened a ticket on createIT support but have not received a response yet)

Review Left On 09/29/2022
Hello support team, I would like to purchase this template. Is everything still 100% functional with the current wp version like shortcodes, portfolio, teams, etc.?