Accommodo – Accommodation / Real Estate / Travel HTML Template Portal Accommodo is unique accommodation portal, real estate and travel HTML template. This template uses the best techniques used by accommodation / travel / real estate portals and packs them into one package. Accommodo is marketing oriented and focused on the content. Different popups, badges, ribbons and tooltips catches visitors attention and act like call to action. Autocomplete helps to find the content easier and quick map view on the property thumbnail helps to see the locations without clicking the detail. Front-end submission page and Admin pages helps to manage the content easier. Accommodo also offers predefined advertising spaces. Featur... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
also checkout date in the search form would be great. Please let me know if the above two (other comment) are possible as I am interested in purchasing your theme. Looks like a very good theme. Great work.

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Hi, I want to confirm that I can add angular js to this template , to integrate with my backend

Review Left On 04/16/2022
I’ve just bought this. It looks great. Love all the features and that its built on bootstrap. Can’t wait to apply it.
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Review Left On 04/16/2022
I bought this and nice but on my-accommodations.html ….. the class=edit-options —does not show the line correctly and places all at bottom in IE-11 .. [Edit], [Reservations], [Reviews], [Delete] -- line are all at the bottom of page that looks like one line instead of being under each individual accommodation.

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hello, I’m very interested in your theme, and it looks that I have found exactly what I need. Can I please ask you couple questions?
Home page:
1. On the home page, is it possible to add destinations slider? Perhaps revolution slider?
2. How modules are organized, can show map be moved to the bottom of the page.
3. Same question for Destionations (Our Picks)
4. Sticky menu, is there an option for sticky menus?
Accommodation/Listing page
5. I like option for rooms/apartments on accommodation page. It is exactly what I need, but I need more options to it. I need to insert more details to it (number of rooms, bathrooms, pictures). Because I mostly have house with apartment units.
6. Can buttons “Reserve Today”, and “Reserve Now” be changed with pop up contact form?
7. Can reviews be removed, and to insert facebook commentaries?
8. What do you suggest for social plugin?
9. Is multilingual working?
10. Are you doing customization, for a fee of course?
Sorry for lots of questions, but I really like your theme. Thank you for your time.
Best regards,

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Is it possible to add a 3rd level to the dropdown menu?
For example: Pages > Admin > Edit Accommodation > Accommodation 1 etc.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
looks good but im little surprised about the fact you have forgottoten a reservation page, >> there is a “make rerservation button” but no page where users need to put in there details to make reservatin ?

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hello, I’m very interested in your theme, and it looks that I have found exactly what I need. Could you help me check my question as below:
In details form could you help to add popup or a page when user click [Reserve Now] button, currently nothing happen after user click button [Reserve Now].
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,

Review Left On 05/06/2022
We are having some problems on the home page width the mobile device responsiveness: the box “top accommodations” area is not displaying correctly. How can this problem be fixed? Also the “live demo” has the same problem too. Many thanks

Review Left On 05/24/2022
“Modal window not showing after click on “sign/register”” this issue isnt fixed on the current download. what do i need to fix it… I just bought this item.

Review Left On 06/04/2022
Some problems on the home page. with a mobile device, they are not properly visalizzati the box “top accomodations”. How can I fix the problem? (Aldo on the ‘live demo’ There is the same problem) tnx

Review Left On 08/06/2022
hello, your theme has good potential but it seems to me abandoned. Are you creating updates?
If I buy the theme, do I have your support?

Review Left On 09/01/2022
Hi there, beautiful theme, we would like to purchase it and we have the following questions….
Our Picks and Favorite Destinations
What is the page that should open after clicking on any of these location-based frames/ destinations? Is there a page sample?
Checkout pages
Are there any check out Pages included on the theme? Otherwise, what’s the next step after clicking on reserve now, should a conversion funnel (stripe or woocommerce, etc) be implemented?
How is the calendar fed by booking availability data? Does it allow for third-party integrations?
I am new to ThemeForest, and simply want to confirm if the No Support Item means no support after purchase?