OneVideo - Video Community & Media WordPress Theme
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Test the front-end submission feature with these: user: demo pass: demouser This is a theme made by TouchSize, a well-known premium themes and plugin creator The company is a leading WordPress developer that always looks for quality and beautiful aesthetics along with excellent options and settings. Not only it offers Premium WordPress Themes, but also offers great and quality support for their users and customers. If you are interested in using true quality and premium WordPress themes, you should check our website. Fro... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
In /onevideo/includes/functions.php and /onevideo/includes/layout-builder/classes/template.php the method get_stylesheet_directory_uri() is used to load the image assets for the layout builder. This loads the assets from the child theme not the parent where creating a broken image.
From the codex:
“In the event a child theme is being used, this function will return the child’s theme directory URI. Use get_template_directory_uri() to avoid being overridden by a child theme. “
As such your theme isn’t fully child theme compatible.

Review Left On 04/14/2022
I really liked you guys work. I bought every video theme you guys made until you stopped doing updates regularly. I had to stop using you guys and by themes from other developers because I kept running into issues with compatibility with wordpress because you guys only update these themes once per year, and wordpress stop functioning good with it and constant issues arise. Sometimes i’m completely unable to edit pages and woocommerce stop functioning among other things. I’ve been through this several times in the past and now i’m traumatized from having to redo my sites and change themes on several occasions. I wish you guys were more active, I’m positive your themes would have more popularity.

Review Left On 04/16/2022
I really liked this them and would like to test admin dashboard. can you please provide me access to see.
Also does the pre-roll ads mean that it can be integrated with vpaid and vast ?
finally, can different player (plugins) ?
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Review Left On 04/16/2022
on line 3227 in onevideo/includes/functions.php causes Notice: Array to string conversion. Can be fixed by replacing with:
Additionally, using getimagesize($image_url) in onevideo/includes/layout-compilator.php image_element() will throw a php warning if the image used is set to a relative instead of absolute path

Review Left On 04/18/2022
When trying to register the theme, the Save button just spins and never completes.
I have tried opening a support ticket but, because my support has expired, I can’t do that. I’m not asking for actual support, I’m simply trying to get the theme to work as it should.

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi, php, css etc files are not included in the downloaded folder … there are only screeens..

Review Left On 05/02/2022
I have been using the template for our website. Had to reload it and everything seems to be working with the exception of videos with featured images set. We click on the player that overlays the featured images to play the video and it does not respond. It acts as though it has never been clicked and the video does not play. It is doing the same thing this video is doing on your themeforest preview shown here ( It was working at one point. Is there a way to fix this or an update to address why the player is no longer playing videos? Help!

Review Left On 05/10/2022
Hi there,
Can you help us install this script? We purchased a licence already from you.

Review Left On 06/02/2022
Unable to register! I’ve been unable to register our instance of OneVideo (key file just spins and spins when I hit save ((tried on multiple browsers and multiple computers))). And the envato token also seems to not be connected. Thank you.

Review Left On 06/26/2022
Hello, I am thinking about purchasing the theme but I noticed some of the images are not working in the “Partners” section and in the “Footer” section. I also noticed the front end video submission isn’t working/visible. Before I purchaseI would like to make sure these things work. I hope I can view a fully functional LIVE preview.
Thank you.

Review Left On 07/15/2022
I purchased onevideo in 2016. Now I would like to reuse it again but the purchase code wouldn’t be accepted. Instead of error notifying there would be only the saving tab.

Review Left On 07/18/2022
This product is a worse of time. Developer can’t even assist. I got 2 scripts from them, one is already deleted from the marketplace, the other one doesn’t work at all. You try to use demo but nada, verify purchase but nada, nothing works at all. Why are they still here???

Review Left On 07/29/2022
Amigos estoy pensando comprar el tema solo tengo unas consulta cada usurio puede crear su pagina para subir su material en video y ponerele restriccion a cada canl para que puedan monetizar con una subcripcion mensual , se puede tener videos gratis y videos cobrados y hacerlo tipo gracias

Review Left On 08/07/2022
I need your help to remove your “Facebook page pop-up” and your “forced Ads on videos” settings on my website.
Why do you send ads and pops to clients’ websites?
I have two scripts from you, the Video and the Photo ones, and on both of them, I have ads which I did not set up. Your ads and Facebook page pop-ups come with the demo script.
Please help me on how to remove this scripts from my websites.
Secondly, how do I access the “theme editor” option from WordPress with your scripts. I checked under “Preference” as usual but nothing is there for your scripts.
This is urgent. Thanks!