DotFolio is a clean portfolio created to showcase the work of creative people in a creative and delightful way. It is a portfolio focused in professionals from creative areas as designers, photographers and developers. Features Easy setup with Demo Content. Unlimited Color Styles 2 Home Page Version Quotation Page Blog Single Page Animate any Elements Responsive layout Retina Ready Unique design Single Page Project Contact Form 7 jQuery Enhanced Easy Setup Very Clearly Documentation (Step by Step) Support 24/7... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I cannot install theme with install guide. slider noting. and not acitvated editor.
please help. guide

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I’ve purchased dotfolio earlier this afternoon, ( first of all, great theme, still trying to understand how to use the demo data, as currently my site looks terrible and messy and i keep finding new pages popping everywhere that i can’t edit )
on top of that, i can’t seem to use visual composer as on the site to says that it was updated and i can’t download the recent version since i do not have a proper license, and i was suggested to contact the author about it.

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Good day,
I am having an issue with the dotfolio theme. In visual studio when I create a row with 2 or more columns all I get is everything in rows.
Bahe - Responsive One Page Portfolio Theme
East - Clean & Minimal WordPress Blog Theme
Athlete - Fitness, Gym and Sport HTML template
Athlete Fitness | Gym and Sport WordPress Theme
Woosome - Fashion & Lifestyle WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Review Left On 04/14/2022
A few time ago I bought the dotfolio theme and have a problem using Visual Composer, I can’t create columns into a row. When I try create 3 colums, the graphic result is 3 rows.
Thank you!

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hi there, I can’t activate the dotfolio common plugin as it gives a fatal error: Fatal error: Redefinition of parameter $options in …. on line 277
Can you please advise?

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Purchase Code for item is:
4624821b-d7fb-42fe-a4bb-9065036814a7 – 3 Aug 2016
Dotfolio – We contacted you previously and asked for a refund which we have not received.
The Theme is not fit for purpose, we identified a number of problems with the theme. We would like to remove the theme from our hosting environment. Please contact us by return to let us know how to remove this template completely from our hosting environment. Thank you.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hey Verga Team,
we really like your Theme.
But we still encounter a bug. When surfing on on mac with chrome or firefox and resizing the window, it perfectly behaves responsive. When using any mobile phone (Huawei P smart, iPhone6 – X, any Samsung device) its not mobile. Could you please give us a hint how to fix this? Dont worry to get technical, we do have a developer
Regards Team

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Sorry but i m french and i m not speak english very well
j’ai acheté le thème Dotfolio. Normalement Visual Composer est compris dans le Pack mais je n arrive pas a le faire fonctionner. J’ai achete a nouveau une licence Visual Composer mais ca ne fonctionne toujours pas.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
hey vargatheme,
trying to active the needed plugin dotfolio-common, getting
Fatal error: Redefinition of parameter $options in /is/htdocs/wp12027648_53VZWIMQYL/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dotfolio-common/radium-one-click-demo-install-master/importer/radium-importer.php on line 277
is there already a fix? running wp 5.0.3
thx and best regards, florian

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hi There
I uploadaed the theme and it seems to be missing the CSS Style Sheet?
Can you help?
Many thanks

Review Left On 05/03/2022
It’s a very nice theme and I’ll buy it soon.
Only one question before.
Is it possible that the black coloured area with informations,
that comes on the left side out of the header image,
comes out on the right side.
Can I change this?
Can I change also the colour?
Thank you for your answer!
Nice greetings,

Review Left On 05/06/2022
the plugin revolution slider didn’t install with the template. What should I do?

Review Left On 05/10/2022
hey guys,
in wordpress backend under “dotfolio options” i get warnings everywhere
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /is/htdocs/wp12027648_53VZWIMQYL/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dotfolio-common/ReduxFramework/ReduxCore/framework.php on line 2397
also the setting for the themes main color does not change anything. the base brown stays brown. i changed it to a bright green to see what happens.
using wp 5.0.3

Review Left On 06/20/2022
good morning, i have installed WPML Plugin, but am not able to translate footer text and footer copyright in the dotfolio footer settings! wpml doesn’t find the strings neither, what can I do?
thank you in advance

Review Left On 08/05/2022
we have installed the One click demo.
but the home page is not displaying the slider.
also the portfolio page is not appearing..
why so?
please help
website is:

Review Left On 08/12/2022
We have purchased Dotfolio and have encountered the following issue:
Unable to find where in the back-end we can remove the following social media names: ‘Enhance’ and Dribble.
Additionally, we have encountered the following problem:
is that the word Doffolio appears whenever you click on a link. Can you advise how to fix this iissue.?
Thank you.

Review Left On 09/08/2022
How do I install Revolution Slider?
There is no Revolution Slider in the menu under wp admin >> appearance.
It does not appear as a required plugin when I activate Dotfolio…
It is included with the theme, right?

Review Left On 09/16/2022
You can send your problem + WP admin + FTP account to email support: [email protected]
We will help you
Thank you