Mountaingoat - Ultimate Coming Soon/Under Construction Template
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Mountaingoat is a Responsive, High Quality Coming Soon / Under Construction HTML5 template built with Bootstrap 3.3. It is clean and very simple to use in your website to notify your audiance your launching date and also it helps to be in touch with your site visitors. Theme Features include: 26 High Quality Variations Fully Responsive on any Device Attractive Countdown Timer All Major Browser Support Social Networks List Valid HTML Fully functional AJAX Mailchimp Subscription Form Full functional AJAX Contact Form Google Web Fonts Used Font Awesome Icon Fonts Well Documented... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hello there, I am having a hard time getting the countdown timer to work on Safari. No problems on Chrome, Opera, and firefox. Please help as Im not sure what needs to be done to make this work

Review Left On 04/10/2022
I wrote to you the other day and I bought Mountaingoat – Ultimate Coming Soon/Under Construction Template and it won’t upload to either themes or plug ins.
I have sent a message to the creator 5 days ago and still have no response.
Please help.
Cheers Maxine

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Would love to see your sample page but every time I try to go to it, my AntiVirus says you have phishing stuff. just fyi.
Steweys - Fast Food, Pizza HTML Theme
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Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi! Bought it. It’s awesome! But I have two questions:
1. How I can put a background image. I jus’t don’t get it from documentation..
2. How to change the font – Our website is coming soon
Theme – click/tweenlite.
Thank you!!

Review Left On 05/08/2022
love the templates, I am using the html video and find that the video background doesn’t play on mobile devices. Is there anything in the code i can change to make the video html background play on mobile devices? thanks

Review Left On 05/21/2022
Firstly, love the product!
Secondly, I can pretty much set up everything but I cannot seem to change the background youtube video. I have been trying to change it to but for some reason it still displays the default. I changed the ID at jquery.youtubebackground.js but still nothing. Can you please help me, what am I doing wrong?

Review Left On 07/15/2022
Hi There
No zip file has come with the coming soon page I just purchased and I am also having trouble uploading the file. Do I do this in Plug ins or Themes, please?
Thank you
Maxine Shea

Review Left On 07/24/2022
Hey developers,
Need your help on fixing one issue on iPhone:
When you turn iPhone from portrait-to-landscape mode or vice versa, the particle system looks really wonky. Particle canvas doesn’t align with the center after turning iPhone and it ends up on one side, which looks really bad..
I found another template which doesn’t have this problem when switching from portrait-to-landscape. Their particle system always remains centered.
Can you fix the particle system? I am really interested in buying your template but this is holding me back.

Review Left On 07/30/2022
youtube version sometimes not loaded, waiting on loading screen. plase help me as well as possible.

Review Left On 08/02/2022
Hi Pixiefy, I think I am experiencing a bug on Firefox. I am using the ParticleGround – 1page version of the theme.
I have saved template on my local disk drive, and when I open index.html, it stops on the loading screen with rotating black square for long time.
I have to reload index.html 2-3 times before the page finishes loading completely.
I am using latest Mac OSX + Firefox 48 with uBlock Adblocker.