Greenture - Environment / Non-Profit HTML Template
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Overview Greentec Template is web masterpiece which is perfect to promote your environmental projects or your green products business. It is compatible with all modern mobile devices. A very wall designed theme with a blog. Features Latest Bootstrap 2 unique home variation Donation Count Down Super Responsive Parallax effect Valid HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Working PHP / Ajax Contact Form Awesome Unique Look Unique effects and functionality Smooth transition effects Cross Browser Optimization Google font What do you get? All HTML files documentation If you purchase this template, you will get support for a life time. We will update this template time by time and we want to hear your wishes for the future updates or... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Sir. I usually Wordpress for install website. Some day ago, i bought HTML version Greenture. If i want to change to WP version and still keep Greenture. How much i pay for? Thanks.
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