Hush | Celebrity Gossip & Entertainment News Theme
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Hush! is an entertainment and celebrity gossip magazine theme. Simple and understandable, packed with awesome features, lightweight and fast at the same time. Start writing, publishing, advertising and sharing in minutes with pre-defined options and layouts or start customizing and be surprised by our theme flexibility. More news, less hassle… Online Documentation Looking for Customization? Feature Recap Intelligent Article Blocks Our smart article block element can display posts in various different styles in any layout. Don’t duplicate posts already shown on the page; choose what post information to display; adjust image size and ratio; order posts by all available parameters; use powerful fi... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Is something broken with the play button and camera icons that showed on the featured images on index pages for video and image post types? They seem to not be showing up, even on your demo.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
1. All plugins you see in demo are bundled and included in price, there is no need to purchase them separately.
Thank you!

Review Left On 05/07/2022
The script is awesome but would like you clarify,
1. When we purchase the script, is there any plugins we are required to purchase or else it will still work as seen on demo?
2. What is the difference between purchasing regular and extended licence in this script.., what will i get on extended but can get it on regular i.e?
Kindly let me know.
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Review Left On 06/29/2022
Hi there, nice theme! Considering to use it for one of the sites I am working with, but the site is primarily consisting of custom post types, not the standard WP post elements. I think this theme will not work out of the box for me?

Review Left On 08/15/2022
I just upgrade theme with latest update, and for some reason search bar icon button is gone. It is still there, but Icon does not show up. The same happened to cart icon. Any ideas? Thanks.

Review Left On 09/02/2022
Is this a dead theme (last update Nov 2019)? Several bundled plugins haven’t been updated for many version levels.