Compatibility Prestashop Version :,,,,,…, Pre-Defined Layout Features Glory Shop Prestashop Responsive Theme is specially designed for shoes, books, lighting, jewellery, cosmetic, lingerie, fashion designer clothes, beauty store, furniture, toys, kids and Multipurpose stores. Catchy Prestashop Responsive Theme is looking good with colors combination and layout. All sub pages are customized. It is very nice with its clean and professional look. HTML5 and CSS3 Fully Responsive Theme Using Google Fonts Support Multiple Language No Core Modifications SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly Optimized for Fast Loading +... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hi. I’m interest in Glory Shop template, and I have a few questions. How many fonts does it have to customize it all? In Toy Store version, is it possible to change the background image? Thanks.

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hello. I see this template is for Prestashop 1.6. Is it going to be soon updated or upgraded to Prestashop 1.7, since it’s already available? If so, when? And what will I have to do to upgrade it if I buy it right now, before de update or upgrade? I need to know before buying it. I like the template but I’d also like to work with the latest Prestashop version. Thanks.

Review Left On 04/16/2022
I would like to know if I can install this theme before on a local server, to do tests and customizations, or it is only possible to do a final installation
Volare - Trekking, Sailing, Diving WordPress Theme
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Review Left On 04/23/2022
hi, i buy your template i have two diffuclts , how can disable newsletter bloc in home page and how can i display newsletter in footer
page product : how can change content of delevery returns guide …

Review Left On 06/17/2022
Hi, your product is incredible ! I just want to know ifI missed something during installation ! I installed the 09 theme (Lingerie) on my localhost:
After installed correctly the theme when i got to any page it shows the home page, like if there an htaccess bug or something. Do you know how can i solve it , by the way the bug are only when i use this theme

Review Left On 07/06/2022
Hello there. When I buy this item I buy the full pack (prestashop script+content samples+theme) or just theme?

Review Left On 07/23/2022
Hi, I have a question about your review module, I have purchase this theme but I dont find the review module, where is it ? If it is not include can I have the name of this module please ? Thank you.

Review Left On 07/27/2022
Not all files were sucessfully uploaded on server – Issue while installing quickstart.. – Please help.