Update theme note! - New version compatible with WordPress 5.x. May be need install Classic Editor plugin. - The fast way is upload overwrite main theme files via FTP account to your server (wp-content/themes/\u0026lt;main-theme-folder\u0026gt;). You also can update theme via Envato Tool Kit plugin with setting purchased code. - Update Lionthemes Helper, WPBakery Page Builder, Revolution Slider if they needed in theme version. You can deactivate, delete and install again from dashboard require, recommended plugins message. Voisen is suitable for e-commerce websites. We have included multiple layouts for home page, product page to give you best selections in customization. Voisen is not just a WooCommerce theme, we had a plan in order to develop V... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
I have a licensed version of this theme but the WPBakery Page Builder is still very out of date. The one included with your theme is version 5.7. This plugin is available in version 6.0.2. When will it be available in your theme updates?

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Hi there,
Please check to the screenshot, https://prnt.sc/ni721j. i would like the product item to be carousel scroll instead of show all in the single product. Kindly to advice.

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hello, I have applied https:// certificate, but it seems that we still have unsecured website. Would you please assist us how to follow? https://mentorovanie.sk Thanks
Furnicom - Furniture Store & Interior Design WordPress WooCommerce Theme (10+ Homepages Ready)
Dentario | Dentist, Medical & Healthcare WordPress Theme + RTL
BrightEyes: A Non-Cluttered, Responsive Magazine Theme for Blogger
Flying Bird Multipurpose PSD Template
LUCY - female readers focused - multipurpose psd template

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hello. Do you have instructions on updating the theme? I think I have Version 1.5.1. Thank you!

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hi, i realized my small cart at header got issue, when i click add to cart in the first time, it wont have any update to the total counter number. I need to click for a new tab then it will only show the correct total item in the cart. Can you advice and check? http://breworksstaging.com/myen

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Just as my license expired, the client logos dissapeared from the site any idea on how this is possible?

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hi. I don’t like the scroll up animation (on mobile version) when I add a product to cart. Is there a theme option to disable it and show only a simple “add to cart” confirm pop-up or similar…? Thanks

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Since the last update, when a pages loads, it turns into white for a seconds and then the page loads correctly. It seems to come from the WebFontConfig in the head section. Is there a way to make a fix ?
I saw a few other comments about it. Thanks for your prompt reply.

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi just last question .is it possible to Set a theme option to have two columns layout on mobile Shop page

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Havent been updated since may, home page demo 4 still “comming soon”. Also theme could use more tempaltes, since wpbakery templates need wpbakery license :/
Overall it is fine theme, but continuity has been lacking.

Review Left On 05/15/2022
Hi, That setting for new posts not for current posts (old posts). In each individual post edit page if you open feature ‘discussion’ you can see it allow for comment: http://prntscr.com/kvtu87 , I think you can use a other plugin to hide comment in wordpress, it is popular.

Review Left On 05/18/2022
can i check with you for the product review tab, is that possible to set after 5 reviews in total then it will go to next pagination instead of infinite scrolling?
Can the review message with indication of country and a tick icon? pls refer to attached. http://prnt.sc/ns7q2y

Review Left On 05/18/2022
Hello. I have a problem with slider revolution. Is impossible activate. Im updating with the new version of this theme. what happen? thanks.

Review Left On 05/29/2022
I noticing some bugs in woocommerce for the theme. The input boxes for Product Data section do not show up. Can you please advise how this may be fixed. Thanks
Get the following errors:
[DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #woocommerce_meta_nonce: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq)

Review Left On 06/03/2022
HI There,
Can the review user with a photo > http://prnt.sc/no7fsz ?
Currently it dont have any image for the user. thanks

Review Left On 06/17/2022
Hi, Can i check with you how come under product individual page, the carousel slider thumbnail under the featured image were cropped and become big size? Pls refer to the attached and i would like it to be uncropped and in a proper sizing. https://prnt.sc/o45r11

Review Left On 07/12/2022
can you pls. inform about support specialists with german speech, here in germany or austria? how to find them?

Review Left On 09/28/2022
How can I remove the comment section from blog posts? I’ve done settings—> discussion but nothing changed.