Featured We are proud to announce that we are featured on bestcss.in. The Template LATR is your ultimate coming soon template. It is packed with a million of features and styles to serve all of your needs! LATR Features Modern, Extensible, Minimalistic and Flexible Coming Soon Template Built on Bootstrap 3 HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Fully Responsive Design Touch Ready Different Sections Different Navigations A basic Full Width Navigation which is fixed on top An Overlay Navigation that flies in... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
There is issues with extracting the files on MacOSX. No folders are being setup when extracted. Please can you send me a file which works to danny . p . [email protected]

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hello, I have purchased your many of the theme especially looking for you tube video to play background. Unfortunately none of your site play youtube video in background as per your documentation. Today I bought LATR – Ultimate Coming Soon Template to customize youtube video. As per the doc, I changed the youtube Video.. @ /LATR.Video(’#head’,’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcbm8SvlRYk');/ and opened in IE and video is not playing. The video display as pause in Opera/edge and in chrome it is displaying. Any code which can work in all browser?
For soonr-modern-flexible template: video is not even playing in any browser.
I have bought your WP plugin for soonr and I have not installed it yet. Appreciate your help in these bug.

Review Left On 04/29/2022
I just downloaded the LATR template from Themeforest. I have no clue how to install it and it does not have an explanation file? Can you help me?
Kind regards,
Danny de Keizer
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Review Left On 08/15/2022
Just downloaded the file and there is no folder structure – I just get a long list of files that don’t work. The file names are all shown like this: “docu\css\bootstrap.css” and “template\inc\contact.php”.