Bejouette - Handmade Jewelry Designer PSD Template
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Bejouette is an eye catching professional PSD theme for hand made jewellery artist. The theme combines features of blog, portfolio and shop. This is a great theme to showcase your pieces of art and not only. The theme will also suit fashion clothes designers, souvenirs and gifts shop, as well as other creative niche websites. Technically the theme is crafted with love and care. All files are carefully layered and all layers are named using human friendly approach for easy editing. If you meet any issues using this theme our tech support is always happy to help! Features: 4 layered PSD files Clean and modern design Optimized for HTML, WordPress, Drupal and Joomla Carefully layered PSD files Logical structure and layers... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hey mate, nice actually great home page, whenever u plan for html or wp, keep in mind to have wide and grid listing pages, without sidebar, looking forward.
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