Inventory is a modern and easy Directory Wordpress theme to create Listing Directory websites. Inventory comes with lots of customization options that allow you modify the pages without touching the files and code. Inventory provides Front-end listing submission Page. Here is a powerful option panel which help you to customize all necessary options without coding. Inventory provides 8 types of Map variations. Select the best one for your Website. 29.07.2018—Version 2.0.0 + Checked: WordPress Version 4.8 Compatibility + Fixed: Listing Information - Time Schedule changed to \"Opening Hours\" + Added: Added Socials on Top bar + Fixed: Search bar alignment and Search Bar style Improvement + Fixed: Listing Category \"Grid\" and... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Hello aardid,
Thanks for your interest. We’re working on those. We’ll update our Theme regarding on your request.

Review Left On 05/02/2022
I am trying to get support from your forum since yesterday and i get : ERROR: Your topic cannot be created at this time.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi Jewel_Theme,
i’m web developer (Both Wordpress and Frontend) having experience of 7+ years – I have done lots of projects for themeforest – if you need an developer please mail me at [email protected]
” I’m sorry if this comment distrubs you “
Heisennberg - Fresh New style PSD Design
Everything - Woocommerce Responsive WordPress Theme
Finance and Accounts - Consulting Business Template
La Fouiette - Travel Agency one page Psd Template
Rising – LMS WordPress Theme

Review Left On 05/18/2022
Which map is it ? Google only, Leafletjs, OMS Openstreetmap… would be good to let us the choice regarding the changes in google policy

Review Left On 06/06/2022
I’m trying to install de Theme using wordpress on Wamp64 but I’m getting this errror: The link you have followed has expired
Please help

Review Left On 06/09/2022
Hi, I have already a directory (php + bootstrap + mysql, without wordpress). But is very basic. So I’m searching complete directory solucion in wordpress. I have a few questions about that: 1- possibility to have different countries , 2- free and paid listing with subscription, 3- upload pdf in detail of business/service, 4- option to claim, Best Regards !!

Review Left On 06/18/2022
I want to purchase the WP theme of inventory, however, the demo/live preview of the html version is not the same as the WP theme.
I would like to know the following:
1. Can I add a special deals page with WP theme like in html theme?
2. Can the listing details in WP theme same as in html? As in WP it looks totally different
3. When choosing in HTML Listings 1 I can see the listings with 3 listings per row, and in WP with only 2. Is it possible to change this?
4. Can I add a ” add to carT” button to a listing?
5. Is it possible to add a booking calendar to each listing separately and that customers pay it on our website?
Thanks !

Review Left On 06/27/2022
Cannot find listing categories after demo data installed and every installation is finished. Pleae kindly guide me

Review Left On 06/28/2022
Issue with “add your listing” it gives error “The link you followed has expired” did anyone else have this mistake? We did spend many hours with hosting and did all what we could PHP.ini and .htaccess to add extra time and size, but didn’t solve it! Could it could be missing module or link!

Review Left On 07/20/2022
Hello, is it possible to:
1. add custom search filters for each category/listing type? (but not to have all the filters mixed up together after you choose a category in the search result page – something like conditional logic)
2. to have conditional logic on submit a listing form? (for example if a user while adding listing choose a ’’car’’ category, is it possible that he will see and add only features specific only to that category?)