Castle - Multipurpose photo template for hotel, barbershop
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New clean Multipurpose template. Features Valid HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Clean \u0026amp; Modern Design Multitheme Responsive Cross-Browser support Free update Great documentation and much more… All images using just for demo and not included. Instead of them we added placeholder images. What is included? HTML files CSS files JS files Font icons Images, icons, image placeholders Documentation... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/23/2022
HI There I am intereste
d in this theme but cannot seem to find out if it is optmizied for Mobile, tablet en a ipad devices?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi guys, First, I will congratulate you guys for creating this wonderful template, I just finished a website using it. The thing is I just have a small problem in the SEO. When I navigate the outside pages works fine. One H1, Title, metadescription etc. The problem appears when I enter one of the inside page (those that open as modal windows). When I check with Moz toolbar (SEO tool checker), the SEO of the internal pages doesn’t show up, it only shows the SEO from the outside page. Outside of the box this doesn’t make a big impact but when google crawl the page will check for the SEO of those internal pages that doesnt appear. To solve this, I created an SEO for the internal pages. So, the main problem of all of this is: When I created the SEO for the internal pages, it will display a “multiple metadescription” and “title”, so I was wondering if there is a possibility to correct that with a script and if this could affect the seo.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hello, i have been trying but i can’t make it work with page forms. (Not mail form)
It seems that the broken javascript and overlay div.
If I add the main container is before the “ form” element, it works…
But “ form” element must be the first element in body tag. Because the dynamic page items are loading from server side by this way.
Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
(PS: Our agency bought this item last night, not me.)
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Review Left On 05/03/2022
Would it be possible to make each theme in a separate folder? It’s kinda annoying to split the barber one with the hotel one. In all it’s a good script!