Metrika is a responsive material design built specifically for AngularJs. Using Google’s own Material Design framework for Angular with custom services, directives, icons and styling ( together with the power of Bootstrap for making layout as easy as ever. Create your own Material themes with color combinations and bringing true material components into bootstrap. It uses the latest version Angular 1.5 and the component method, bridging the gap between angular 1 and angular 2 with true components and componentized architecture. It also combines different and powerful charting libraries like D3, Morris charts, Flot charts, sparkline charts and Chart Js. It follows good practices in terms o... READ MORE
Review Left On 04/19/2022
I saw on your template you can make a RealTime Chart showing 1 “product” values. My need is to make a RealTime Chart that outputs 2 or more “products” and their RealTime values, is it possible? Also their values come out in RealTime from a Server door, is it possible and simple to set it up? Do you also have info in your Documentation for what I am asking?
Best Regards
Review Left On 06/25/2022
Great looking theme. Just wondering – is there a material datepicker available in this? I couldnt seem to find one in the demo?
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